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AAF Announces New Policy Advisor

Advancing American Freedom today announced an expansion of the policy team with the hire of Joel Griffith, a former research fellow at the Heritage Foundation.


“We could not be more excited to welcome Joel Griffith to our team this year,” said AAF President Tim Chapman. “In 2025 Advancing American Freedom intends to play a leadership role in advocating for conservative economic policies that will ensure American prosperity. Whether it be it extending the tax cuts, cutting wasteful spending, or debating the proper use of tariffs, Joel has demonstrated his commitment to free markets and American dynamism. I look forward to working side by side with him as we seek to accomplish our policy goals.”


“I’m honored to join the AAF policy team. As the conservative movement wrestles with economic policies, it’s time to champion the benefits of free markets and limited government while warning of the dangers of protectionism, fiscal recklessness, and government interventionism. I’m looking forward to engaging in these conversations through AAF,” said Joel Griffith.

Mike Pence’s 2024 China General Chamber of Commerce Speech

Thank you. It is an honor to be here at the 8th annual China General Chamber of Commerce Gala, the largest turnout ever. For nearly 20 years, this chamber has led the charge in building a relationship between China and the United States based on shared prosperity and mutual respect, and I am honored to be among so many I greatly admire.


As some of you may recall, I was supposed to speak at a CGCC event back in 2016 when I was Governor of Indiana. But something came up…


So I’m happy I finally got the opportunity to be here with you all, even if it is 8 years later than we originally planned.


The theme of our gathering is “Charter a New Horizon” is all together fitting and timely, in a time of change in America.


Let me say that as a former vice president of the United States and as the proud father and father-in-law of a United States Marine and United States Navy pilot, I believe China and the United States must charter a new horizon if we are to forge a peaceful and prosperous future in the balance of the 21st Century and I want to thank you all for your dedication to that cause.


Many of you know may not know that throughout my career I have always strongly supported free trade. I used to say when I was governor of Indiana that trade means jobs, it’s one of the reasons why I took a great interest in America’s relationship with China early on. I will tell you as a Hoosier I have learned about China from neighbors and friends. I supported PNTR with China as a member of congress and as governor of Indiana I travelled to China, and led a trade mission to encourage expanded investment in my home state and across the Midwest.


I did so always believed that expanded trade and expanded cultural exchange between our people would enhance greater cooperation and would advance the principles of free markets and freedom for America, China, and the world.


But despite the best hopes and intentions of many of us in this country, and I’d venture to say everyone in this room, that that was not to be….. The truth is after years of trade abuses, intellectual property theft, and an increasingly adversarial posture by the Communist government in China across Asia Pacific, it has become clear to many of us, sadly, that that hope of greater liberalization derived by our efforts was for nought. But today I come before you with resolve and hope, that better days are ahead for the people of America, for Chinese Americans, and yes, for the people of China.


Back in 2018, as Vice President I presented The Trump-Pence administration’s first major policy address on changing our policy towards China.


In that speech, I explained that our administration was taking a new tougher stance on China under the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. I explained that for many years, leaders of both political parties seemed to have turned a hopeful, but ultimately blind eye to China’s many abuses on trade and beyond in the area of human rights. A misguided hope that China’s newfound prosperity would inevitably lead to liberty.


But our administration saw the regime in Beijing for what it was, and I still do. China, truthfully, is the greatest strategic and economic challenge facing the United States in the 21st Century.


Over the course of our administration, we changed the national consensus on China here in the United States. For the first time, in our administration, we met China’s military provocations in the Asia Pacific with the largest increase in military spending since the days of Ronald Reagan. We were the first country to call out Chinese leaders for mistreatment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and for undermining democracy in Hong Kong.  And we stood up to years of trade abuses, and imposed historic tariffs that brought China to the negotiating table.


I remember when I first met vice (inaudible) at an APEC conference overseas. He originally respectfully recognized that China in his words was “still a developing country”, and I looked him in the eye and said not once but twice with great respect said “things have to change.”


One thing is certain as we gather tonight: change is coming especially for those of you who conduct business in both China and the United States. And it’s that for which I want to speak tonight.


And if you doubt it you can see the recent bipartisan support in congress forcing the sale of China’s own tik tok and Just a few weeks from today, America will swear in a new president and a new administration that will undoubtedly return to the hawkish approach we took when I was Vice President.


I no longer speak for the American government, but as a private citizen, I strongly support President-elect Trump’s tough trade policies on China. I believe free trade with free nations, and I believe in using access to the most prosperous economy on earth to promote the principles of human dignity and of democracy throughout the world.


I’m sure as we gather this evening I’m sure that some of you are concerned that tariffs and other restrictions on China will hurt the economy, ours and Chinas, or potentially even worse, lead to a trade war that damages both our nations. I understand those concerns.


But let me assure you a few things about our president-elect, let me say with confidence I probably know the president elect better than most of his most ardent supporters… we spent four years together, many hours and on this matter in particular I believe I know his mind.

Let me assure you of this the threats of additional tariffs on China and on other nations are not a bluff, what you may not know is that I believe with wise choices that look to the  future America’s relationship with China can ultimately improve – not in spite of President Trump’s tough approach to China, but because of it.


China is our rival and our economic adversary – but China must not become our enemy. Through his brand of diplomacy and tariffs, I believe the president elect understood this through our first term.


I fervently hope his proposed tariffs will bring China back to the negotiating table as it did during our administration. I know this will be difficult and create challenges in the short-term, but it will be well worth it in the long-term. We want better for America and China  – and I believe a firm but fair approach is the best way to get there. How do I know? From experience.


During our administration critics said we were too tough on China and its communist rulers. But frankly it was precisely that tough approach that we achieved a historic Phase One trade deal that was signed in the east room of the White House in January of 2020. It was a trade deal that  doubled China’s imports of American agricultural goods.



Thankfully, President Biden did maintain a few of our administration’s tough policies, including our tariffs on Chinese imports. But for the most part, America’s efforts to change China’s malign behavior stagnated for the past four years. Now, I fully expect the incoming administration is certain to pick up where we left off.


Let me say my great hope is that China doesn’t view impending American tariffs as punitive or hostile, but as an opportunity to enter negotiations in good faith and create a relationship that is more free and fair to all.


I can assure you from firsthand experience that President Trump will treat China’s leaders exactly how he did in the past, he will treat them  with respect, yes, but also with firmness, and a stance that puts our nation’s interests first.


President-elect is already waging his positions on social media months before he has taken office. He recently expressed his frustration at the flow of fentanyl into our country the vast majority of which is smuggled from China into the United States, which kills nearly 100,000 lives annually.


The goal of tariffs is not to isolate or restrain China, but the president elect’s goal in tariffs is to promote better relations through actions and reform to forge a better future.


I met President Xi in Papa New Guinea at the conference in 2018. Whenever I was traveling overseas, I’d always make a point as Vice President to speak to the President about any messages he wanted me to convey to the head of state I’d be speaking with. During our session before the APEC event, President Xi approached me and introduced himself and I introduced myself, he asked me if I’d ever been to China. And I said Mr. President I have. And he said you should come back. I said it would be my great honor. And then I said to him I’d asked the President if he had a message to President Xi and said the President had two messages. So he paused and listened, said “go ahead.” President Trump’s first message is that he likes you very much. And at that point President Xi, who had been austere up to that point became very animated and said “I like him very much.” And asked me to send his best personal regards. Then we got interrupted, as these things go, and the session moved into a dinner and I was shaking President Xi’s hand. He looked at me and said “you told me you had two messages from President Trump.” And I said “that’s right Mr. President. He also told me to tell you that you need to open up your markets,” And he looked back at me and said “dialogue is good.”


I know the president elect, I know there will be dialogue, but the path to progress will take more than words.


There are things China can do that will greatly enhance our relationship and mutual prosperity: open the markets to US goods, combat intellectual property theft, respect freedom of navigation and keep the promises it made to the people of Hong Kong….one country two systems.


And among all the other steps China could take there would be no greater gesture of good will in the short term to the United States and the wider world than to free Jimmy Lai.


I met with Jimmy Lai at the white house in 2019… he’s facing trial today in Hong Kong. There’s some controversy about what we spoke about so let me say on the record in front of leaders he did not ask for any action against Hong Kong or China. he simply came to urge speak out on behalf of the people of Hong Kong.


These measures would not only respect American interests but also demonstrate the CCP’s willingness to embrace a better and more peaceful future built on fairness, respect and reciprocity.


So, why speak about these matters to you? Well the Bible says “blessed are the peacemakers.” To the Chinese companies represented here today: you have a unique role to play. You can be champions of building bridges between our nations. Encourage your government to take those steps I mentioned earlier.


To the Chinese-American and American companies in this room: I urge you to stand strong on your values, let your trading partners in China and elsewhere know what your standards are. You expect them to respect private property rights and your own interests to be respected.


And to everyone gathered here: let us remember that the burden is on our shoulders, particularly us Americans. In proverbs “to much is given much is required.” This is the moment that is either fraught with peril or filled with opportunity, and I choose to believe the latter. So for everyone gathered her today the choices we make, policies we’re applying today will shape the world of tomorrow. By standing firm for the timeless principles of freedom, we can chart a new horizon that is more peaceful and more prosperous for all.


I think it’s important for the government of China to understand that America’s decisions can never be separated from our belief that we are “endowed by (our) Creator with certain unalienable rights…that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”


And Americans will do well to remember that China is an ancient civilization with a great people, cherished tradition, family, and achievement and faith. In fact as we stand here today I’m told there are more Chinese Christians in church on any given Sunday than there are members of the Communist Party. We have much more in common than could ever divide us.


America will never abandon our values, nor will we impose our values on others, but rather will inspire. But we should never hesitate to make access to the world’s largest economy contingent upon respect for the basic principles of fair play and the rule of law. It is an honor to address you tonight, so let me close.


I hope my words tonight have conveyed respect for the people of China, firmness and resolve and hope, there is an ancient Chinese proverb that reads, “Men see only the present, but Heaven sees the future.” As we go forward, let us pursue a future of peace and prosperity with resolve and faith. Faith in ideals we cherish and our place in the world as a beacon of hope for all mankind as Americans. Faith in the enduring capacity of people all over the world to aspire to those principles. And faith that Heaven sees the future – and that by God’s grace, it will be a future in which America, China move beyond our present disagreements; when our nations forge a new relationship grounded in mutual respect; when the rising tide of prosperity truly lifts all nations; and we can finally stand together, proudly, as partners and friends. I believe America will continue to stand strong as the new administration takes office in just a few short weeks, with one handed extended in friendship and the other resting comfortably on the arsenal of democracy we will still hope that China will reach back, with deeds and on words to build a future based in shared prosperity and mutual respect. So help us God.

AAF’s letter to CBS News

Mike Pence group launches $3M ad blitz in swing states to slam Kamala Harris’ proposed $5 trillion tax hike

Former Vice President Mike Pence is launching a $3 million ad blitz in swing states to slam economic proposals from Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris — including her multitrillion-dollar tax hike.

Advancing American Freedom, a nonprofit conservative advocacy group founded by Pence, will run the digital ads in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Montana. His group also will distribute a “messaging memo” to Republican candidates competing in those states suggesting lines of political attack.

The ad campaign will highlight the economic successes of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by former President Donald Trump — and Harris’ plans to raise taxes by as much as $5 trillion if she is elected president.

“The Republican tax cuts in 2017 led to a needed economic boom here in Pennsylvania,” says Harrisburg, Pa.-based restaurant owner AnnMarie Nelms in one of the ads — before hitting Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey for voting against it.

That boom included an expansion of small businesses in central Pennsylvania and higher wages, according to Nelms, whereas she faulted Vice President Harris, 59, for wanting to “ram through the largest tax increase in American history.”

“If they raise our taxes, a lot of the small-business owners that I know won’t make it more than a year,” Nelms claimed.

Liane Taylor, a real estate broker and administrator in the business division of Montana’s Commerce Department, says in another ad that “rent and mortgage rates were affordable” after Trump’s 2017 tax cuts and before the Dems took over the White House. Pence was Trump’s veep at the time.

“Every business that I’ve even talked to just in the last couple of days is all for making those tax cuts permanent,” Taylor said of the reductions, which end in December 2025 unlesss renewed. “This has to stop. Don’t raise my taxes. Don’t raise anybody’s taxes.”

The ad also slams Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.), who is in a tough re-election fight against Republican challenger Tim Sheehy, for voting against the Tax Cut and Jobs Act.

New polling by AAF shows that a majority of Americans (58%) want lower taxes, including 68% of Republicans and 43% of Democrats.

In the group’s messaging memo distributed to Republican candidates in the states, the nonprofit also highlighted the all-time high of the real median household income of $78,250 under the Trump administration in 2019.

In total, real wages and salaries were $3.6 trillion higher than a Congressional Budget Office estimate on the tax cuts.

At least 5 million jobs were also added to the economy from when the Trump tax cuts were signed until the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The nonpartisan Tax Foundation found in a separate analysis last month that Harris’ economic agenda would cost the US 786,000 jobs while adding $4.1 trillion to the national debt.

The think tank also projected that the proposals would shrink the American long-run GDP by 2% and reduce wages by 1.2%.

Read the full article here at

Check out AAF’s three ads below:

Protecting American Taxpayers: Montana

Protecting American Taxpayers: Pennsylvania

Protecting American Taxpayers: Ohio

AAF Rail Regulations Coalition Letter

Pence Stakes Claim as Keeper of Traditional Conservatism

Mike Pence could not have asked for a more welcoming audience. For nearly 30 minutes, the man who served as Donald J. Trump’s vice president was repeatedly applauded as he offered a vigorous affirmation of his support for Israel at a conference of mostly conservative Jewish leaders in midtown Manhattan.

He barely paused when his questioner, Zvika Klein, the editor in chief of The Jerusalem Post, asked Mr. Pence, an evangelical Christian, to lead the room in prayer for the Israeli hostages captured by Hamas on Oct. 7. “It would be my great honor: Let us pray,” he said.

His invocation drew applause and shouts of “Amen.”

In the seven months since he dropped out of the race for the Republican presidential nomination, in the face of inevitable defeats in the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary, Mr. Pence has been seeking out friendly audiences like this one as he embarks on a mission to resuscitate his political career. But just as importantly, he is presenting himself as the guardian of the conservative traditions of a Republican Party that he grew up with and that have since been redefined by Mr. Trump.

He has begun turning up on high-profile television interviews to criticize Mr. Trump’s position on abortion, in one example. He announced that his political advocacy group would spend $20 million this year on appearances and advertisements that promote endangered conservative positions on issues including tariffs, government spending and America’s role in the world.

Mr. Pence is the most prominent Republican in the nation to declare that he would not endorse Mr. Trump, the man who chose Mr. Pence when he was governor of Indiana and put him in the White House. And he has made clear that, at the age of 65, he is not foreclosing another bid for the presidency.

“The role I want to play is to be a champion for a broad, mainstream conservative agenda that’s defined the Republican Party since the days of Ronald Reagan,” he said in an interview before his appearance at the conference. “I see some evidence that some voices in and around our party are departing from that — I want my voice, my organization, to be an anchor to windward.”

Yet for all that, Mr. Pence is clearly out of step with the party that once embraced him. For many Trump loyalists, he is still the vice president who refused to go along with Mr. Trump to hold on to power on Jan. 6, 2021.

“Judas Pence is a dead man walking with MAGA, regardless of the 30 pieces of silver in his PAC,” said Stephen K. Bannon, a leader in Mr. Trump’s movement, referring to Mr. Pence’s advocacy group, Advancing American Freedom. (He made his remarks in a text a few hours before a federal judge ordered him to report to prison by July 1 to start serving a four-month prison term imposed on him for disobeying a subpoena from the House committee that investigated the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol.)

With his low-key, Midwestern presence, Mr. Pence stands in sharp contrast with the Republican Party of today, personified by Mr. Trump and, for that matter, by Mr. Bannon. In the interview, Mr. Pence, speaking softly as he settled on a couch, seemed taken aback by the suggestion that he had become an island in his own party, a Republican Robinson Crusoe standing alone as Mr. Trump remakes their party in his name.

“I hope not,” he said. “I hope I’m on a continent. I’m where I’ve always been since I joined the Republican Party.”

“When I was running for president, people would often say, ‘Mike Pence’s problem is that he’s running in a Republican Party that doesn’t exist anymore,’” Mr. Pence said. “That wasn’t my experience. Everywhere I went on the campaign trail, people, whether they were supporting the former president or supporting someone else, almost invariably would say, ‘I appreciate what you stand for.’ I’m convinced that this is still a conservative party.”

Yet the signs of his isolation are abundant. Mr. Pence said he had not spoken to Mr. Trump “for a long time.” Republicans say it is unlikely that he will be offered a prominent speaking spot when the party gathers for its convention this July in Milwaukee. A YouGov/Economist poll from March found that 52 percent of Republicans had an unfavorable view of Mr. Pence, compared with 42 percent who had a favorable view of the former vice president.

And despite the way he recalled his reception on the presidential trail, Mr. Pence never broke out of the single digits in most of the early polls, even with the advantage of being a former vice president. He was forced to drop out of the race before he even made it to Iowa.

The notion of a former vice president not supporting the president he served is so extraordinary that President Biden invoked it in a sharp-edged joke at the White House Correspondents’ Association dinner this year.

By contrast, Nikki Haley, the former United Nations ambassador, and Ron DeSantis, the Florida governor, who both drew far more support in their own unsuccessful bids for the Republican presidential nomination, said they would vote for Mr. Trump. Mr. Pence said he would not vote for Mr. Biden, but would not say who he might support.

“I like Mike very much — I strongly recommended him to Trump in ’16,” said Newt Gingrich, the former Republican speaker of the House. But he said: “Mike Pence now finds himself in a party that sounds different than it used to while appealing to a constituency that is different from two years ago. And unfortunately for Mike, that tends to drive him into a corner. At his current trajectory, he is going to shrink down into the Never Trump vote.”

“There is no future in the Republican Party in being the anti-Trump,” Mr. Gingrich said.

Mr. Pence has walked a fine line as he has sought in these past months to distinguish himself — and criticize — a figure as enormously popular in the party as Mr. Trump, a former ally who is trying to muscle Mr. Pence out of the spotlight.

In the interview, Mr. Pence denounced the case against Mr. Trump that led to his convictions on 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up a $130,000 hush-money payment to a porn star. “I expect his felony convictions will be overturned. This case should never have been brought.”

But at the Jerusalem Post forum, he barely talked about Mr. Trump other than to link himself to Mr. Trump’s decision, as popular in this room as the former president himself, to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Mr. Pence argued that it is Mr. Trump who has changed over these past four years, drifting away from traditional Republican positions.

“On a whole range of issues, I have seen the president running on an agenda that’s different than what we governed on,” Mr. Pence said. “I see the president moving in the direction of some of the isolationist voices in our party. Or the national debt — he never even tried to reform the entitlements that represented 85 percent of our federal spending.”

Mr. Pence has been particularly vocal in assailing Mr. Trump on abortion. While Mr. Pence and many other conservatives are pushing for a national ban on the procedure, Mr. Trump has called for leaving restrictions to the states. Mr. Pence’s position has earned him some admirers in important corners of the Republican coalition.

“He’s the steady rudder of the pro-life movement among Republican leaders,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, the president of Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, a leading group opposing abortion rights. “He doesn’t change. He has never been a person who was testing the winds.”

Ms. Dannenfelser, whose organization is supporting Mr. Trump this November, said Mr. Pence would have a well of support from abortion opponents should he decide to return to politics in a post-Trump world.

“On the other side of this coming presidential race, there will have to be a gut check,” she said. “And he would be an important and essential part of that gut check.”

Tim Chapman, a senior adviser to Mr. Pence’s advocacy group, said that the former vice president saw himself as “a keeper of the flame during a pretty tumultuous time on the right.”

“Everyone is playing the game of showing how close they are to Trump,” Mr. Chapman said. “We don’t have to pretend. Everyone knows where we are. We are liberated in ways that no other group is liberated.”

As Mr. Pence travels the country, giving speeches and interviews, raising money, presenting himself as a potential future candidate for national office — “I’ll keep you posted,” he said when asked if he would seek the White House again — his next chapter seems bleak, at least through November.

Mr. Pence is going up against the most powerful figure in the Republican Party since Ronald Reagan. As of today, there seems little room in the Trump world for a candidate like Mr. Pence.

“He’s finished,” Mr. Bannon said. “But like all career politicians he is addicted to being relevant.”

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Biden’s regulation bender will grow Big Government and kill the American dream

The Biden administration is shattering records in all the wrong ways. From the surge of illegal migrants overwhelming our border, to the alarming rise in crime rates across America’s largest cities and skyrocketing inflation, the American people are witnessing the real-time, unprecedented consequences of Biden’s failed policies.

A new report from Advancing American Freedom shows the economy in particular has suffered devastating setbacks, with inflation hitting 40-year highs and prices skyrocketing nearly 18% since the day President Joe Biden took office, leaving American families paying $15,133 more each year for the same necessities.

What’s worse, the Biden team is poised to expand an already ballooning administrative state, pushing costs on to the U.S. taxpayer. His regulatory agenda is spiraling out of control, posing a serious threat to American prosperity.

The harsh reality of life under Biden stands in stark contrast to the achievements of the Trump-Pence administration. Gone are the days of the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, with income rising in every metro area, and record low unemployment for African Americans, Hispanics, and veterans.

Under Trump-Pence, small business optimism broke a 35-year record, and American households saw an extra $3,100 every year thanks to the elimination of unnecessary regulations, striking eight old regulations for every one new regulation. Before a global pandemic unleashed historic destruction around the world, the U.S. economy was achieving record success as a direct result of the Trump-Pence administration’s pro-growth policies.

Over the past few years, the Biden administration has done its best to chip away at these hard-won gains. Biden has already overturned three-quarters of former President Donald Trump’s historic deregulatory actions. After repealing 98 environmental deregulation policies from the Trump-Pence administration, Biden added 102 environmental regulations of his own and proposed 71 more.

He’s “mobilized even far-flung agencies” to focus on his green agenda, mandating that the federal government find ways to “erase its carbon footprint by 2050.” As part of his climate agenda, Biden has proposed over 100 regulations to enforce new mandates on common household appliances while pushing sweeping changes in vehicle fuel efficiency standards on cars used by everyday Americans.

Since taking office, Biden has implemented over 209 Economically Significant Rules, already far surpassing predecessors in the last four decades. In total, the Biden administration has rolled out nearly 900 final rules, with a significant portion released in the first four months of 2024 alone.

Administering so much regulation has required a gross expansion of the federal bureaucracy. Over the course of 20 years, executive branch civilian employment has seen a steady increase, from around 1 million in 2000 to 2.2 million employees by 2021. However, the bureaucracy has ballooned at a particularly alarming rate under Biden.

The Biden team is now sending the bill for big government to hardworking Americans. The President’s regulatory actions in 2022 alone were projected to cost American taxpayers roughly $10,000 per household. Biden regulation has increased the cost of essential items such as household appliances by thousands of dollars, while vehicle emissions regulations and efforts to promote electric vehicles have artificially inflated the average price of a new car.

Looking ahead, projections estimate that the Biden administration’s regulations will cause over $1 trillion to be spent over the next decade. Most of the American people’s hard-earned wages are no longer going toward rent, groceries or their children’s education, but toward lining the pockets of D.C. bureaucrats and their extreme liberal ideological agenda.

Unfortunately, even harder times may lie ahead for the American people. This ballooning regulation comes as Biden plans to end the Trump-Pence 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), the largest overhaul of the federal tax system in over three decades.

The TCJA’s historic tax relief provisions spurred job creation, increased real wages, boosted the economy and expanded opportunities for millions of Americans. Ending it now threatens to undo these vital gains, especially in such uncertain economic times.

As American businesses struggle under crushing regulations, Biden’s promise to reverse the TCJA and hike the corporate tax rate will deliver a final death blow to an already crippled business environment and, ultimately, the economy.

This course is unsustainable for our country and unfair to the American people. The Biden administration’s overreach only serves to grow executive branch power, not the U.S. economy.

With Americans barely able to afford necessities in this economy, President Biden appears unwavering in his desire to grow the government on the backs of their hard work. We know the policies of the Trump-Pence administration led to higher wages, more jobs, and greater opportunity for all. Under Biden’s watch, the American dream is slipping away, drowned in a sea of regulations and economic mismanagement.

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Mike Pence’s Unexpected Encore

May 17th. 2024

Mike Pence is not on Plan A. “I was expecting to be in the fourth year of our second term, at this point,” the former vice president tells me in the D.C. office of his nonprofit organization, Advancing American Freedom (AAF). “But the American people and the good Lord had other plans. So, we’re just trusting in that.”

The AAF suite is located on Pennsylvania Avenue, a short walk from the White House. Pence’s office features a large mahogany desk, on which lie a stack of his memoirs and an open Bible. On one side is an American flag, on the other a framed map of Indiana. Behind the desk is a bookcase featuring family photos, a Reagan bust, and memorabilia from the Trump administration.

On the wall hangs a photograph of the White House Situation Room on October 26, 2019, during the killing of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It features Robert O’Brien, Pence, Trump, Mark Esper, Mark Milley, and Marcus Evans and is signed in an unmistakable black scrawl, Donald J. Trump. It hangs above a stand-alone brown leather chair. Later, I’m informed that it’s Pence’s cabinet chair, purchased as a gift by all his staff and presented to him after January 6.

In 2016, Pence was sold as the vice-presidential pick who could smooth out some of Trump’s rougher edges. In person, you remember why. His manner is quietly assured. He listens intently and thinks carefully before he speaks. Yet the partnership was forged on more than personality.

“I joined the national ticket because I sensed there was alignment between the policies that have defined my career and what candidate Donald Trump was advocating,” Pence says. Back then, Trump was committed to a conservative agenda — a “centerpiece” of which was the “commitment to advance the right to life through policy and judicial appointments.”

Pence gives Trump due “credit” for his “determination to do the things we said we would do in the campaign.” But relations between them soured after they left office. January 6 is the obvious turning point, when Trump asked Pence to “put him over the Constitution” and thereby disqualified himself, in Pence’s view, from future office. These days, however, Pence has more to say about their policy disagreements.

On fiscal policy, he accuses “the former president and, frankly, many Republicans in Congress” of adopting “the same posture” toward entitlements as President Biden. On foreign policy, he says that Trump is “signaling more openness to the rising tide of Republican isolationism” — a stark move away from “what defined our administration.”

Take Trump’s recent wobble on the Chinese ownership of TikTok. In response, Pence and his colleagues at AAF launched a $2 million ad campaign ahead of a Senate vote on legislation that would force either a sale or a shutdown of the company. After the bill passed, Trump stated: “Just so everyone knows, especially the young people, Crooked Joe Biden is responsible for banning TikTok.” Pence, meanwhile, penned a letter thanking every member of Congress who had voted for the bill, according to the New York Post.

Pence’s decision not to endorse his former running mate is unusual. Even, some would say, unsporting. To qualify for the GOP-primary debates, Pence, along with the other candidates, signed a pledge to “honor the will of the primary voters and support the [Republican presidential] nominee in order to save our country and beat Joe Biden.”

The Washington Post reports that those close to Pence have a letter-of-the-law justification, pointing out that “the written pledge said ‘support,’ not ‘endorse’ like a similar document in 2015.” When I ask about this, Pence simply reasserts the reasons he will not endorse Trump: “principled differences” related to January 6, foreign and fiscal policy, and “the cause of life.”

During the Trump administration, there was a clear and unifying aim in pro-life politics. Appoint to the Supreme Court originalist justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade. With that goal achieved, the more daunting task of persuading the American people would begin. Yet some Republicans have given up before they’ve tried. Pence views Trump as chief among the quitters.

In April, a piece that Pence penned for the New York Times bore the title “Donald Trump Has Betrayed the Pro-life Movement.” The article itself is generally more temperate: Trump has “retreated” from his commitment, or “walked away” from it; he’s “leading other Republicans astray.” More harshly, on social media Pence described Trump’s recent statements that abortion should be left to the states as “a slap in the face” to pro-life Americans.

“To restore the sanctity of life back to the center of American law, you have to remain clear with the American public that that’s the objective,” Pence tells me. “You have to have moral clarity in saying abortion is wrong.”

So far, Trump has delivered moral ambiguity. In his abortion message in April, the former president said, “At the end of the day, this is all about the will of the people” and “You must follow your heart on this issue.” He recently told Time magazine, “I’m leaving everything up to the states.” Everything?

Even the former president’s position on late-term abortions appears to have weakened. In 2018, Trump said he “strongly supported” a 20-week national ban. Now, he has said he wouldn’t even sign such a bill if it reached his desk. He has described himself as “the most pro-life president in American history.” And yet he has criticized Florida for its “terrible” heartbeat bill and said, when reporters asked whether the Arizona state supreme court went “too far” in recognizing its pre-Roe near-total abortion ban, “Yeah, they did and that will be straightened out.” He said:

And now the states have it, and the states are putting out what they want. It’s the will of the people. So Florida’s probably going to change. Arizona is definitely going to change. Everybody wants that to happen. And you’re getting the will of the people. It’s been pretty amazing.

Everybody? Some pro-lifers remain optimistic that Trump’s rhetoric is just an election strategy and that — should Trump win in November — he would roll back the Biden administration’s pandemic-era policy of allowing abortion pills to be prescribed by telehealth, as well as make use of the Comstock Act to prevent abortion drugs and equipment from being sent through the mail to states where the practice is outlawed.

But Trump has made no such promises. Were he to win in November, pro-lifers would need him more than he needs them. Pence explains: “Part of what animated my run for president was that I’ve tried without success to convey to people that the former president was not running [this time] on the agenda we governed [by]. And I know him well enough to know that he’ll do what he says he’s gonna do.”

To Pence, the Supreme Court returned the issue of abortion not only to the states but to the American people: “And the American people elect governors and state representatives. They also elect presidents and congressmen and senators.” He cites Governor Brian Kemp’s six-week bill and reelection: Kemp won “decisively in the most competitive governor’s race in the country.” He notes that Governor Mike DeWine in Ohio “won in a landslide” despite favoring a six-week ban. And in general he dismisses as “left-wing spin” the claim that the pro-life movement has become a major political liability. As for the 2022 midterms, “the common denominator that I saw in 2022 is candidates that were focused on relitigating the past did not fare well,” he explains, referring to campaigns that stressed Trump’s claims that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. Candidates “focused on the future did fine.”

“There’s two ways to do public life,” Pence says. “Number one is, You can tell people what your values are. Tell them what your vision is. And then if you win the election, you go stand for those things.” Alternatively, you can try to “calculate the least defensive pathway for getting into office and then try to calculate what you can accomplish.” True leadership, Pence says, largely consists of the former.

Pence cites majority support, 72 percent of Americans, for restricting abortion after an unborn child can experience pain. He points to Europe, where restrictions are common after 15 weeks and, in some countries, even after twelve. “Surely we could have a minimum national standard that didn’t leave unborn children to the devices of the radical Left in California and Illinois and New York.”

But is a nationwide minimum standard politically achievable? Many, including the former president, have dismissed the idea as a nonstarter in Congress. “How do you know?” Pence says. “It’s that old saying, ‘You don’t know till you try.’” Even if Congress proves obstructive, “what a president should do is go to the American people with the moral, the legal, the intellectual, the historical case for life.”

Whatever criticisms he has of his party or its leadership, Pence emphasizes that “the real gap in all this is between the party that is arguing over where we solve the problem” and “another party that literally believes in abortion on demand up until the moment of birth and supports taxpayer-funded abortion.” He illustrates the point by noting that he was the first vice president since Roe to visit a crisis-pregnancy center, adding that “my successor just distinguished herself as being the first vice president to visit an abortion clinic.”

“I don’t think, in my lifetime, I have ever seen a wider gulf on a more important issue than between the Democratic Party’s position and the Republican position,” he adds. Nevertheless, in the absence of stronger pro-life leadership, the Overton window may have opened further for abortion extremism on the left. Pro-life Americans may find themselves faced with a choice between a party that favors all abortions and one that tends towards the European-style consensus: legal in the first trimester, with exceptions and loopholes for later stages. Though whether they are single-issue voters is another matter.

Pence has also been outspoken about an adjacent life issue, in vitro fertilization. In April, he co-authored a piece with John Mize for the Wall Street Journal in which he criticized the rashness of the Alabama GOP state legislature in granting total immunity for embryo destruction to IVF clinics after the state supreme court ruled that embryos were legal persons under the state’s wrongful-death statute.

“To me, the objective is how we preserve access to fertility treatments but create a framework around that which recognizes the rights and interests of parents and protections for unborn life,” he says. Including embryos in IVF storage facilities? “Yes. I really believe that.”

Pence has some street cred on the issue. He and his wife used fertility treatments to expand their family after struggling with infertility in the 1990s. “I fully support fertility treatments and I think they deserve the protection of the law,” Pence told CBS News in 2022. But protection for whom?

Pence told CBS’s Margaret Brennan that he and his wife, Karen, used IVF. In his memoir, he wrote that they used “IVF and GIFT procedures.” How did he navigate that, given his respect for the sanctity of life from conception? He explains: “All of our procedures were gamete intrafallopian transfer [GIFT]. We happened to be Catholic at the time. And we took guidance from the church about that procedure. I described it [as IVF] in the book so that people would know what it was.”

In GIFT, gametes are placed directly into the fallopian tubes so that the couple’s sperm and egg might meet and conception occur as in a natural pregnancy. The procedure has success rates similar to those of IVF but is rarely performed in the United States. It requires the woman to undergo general anesthesia and laparoscopy. But it avoids the creation of extra or, in the industry jargon, “supernumerary” embryos that will be frozen or destroyed.

To most Americans, the distinction between GIFT and IVF may seem trivial. But to critics of the IVF industry’s handling of embryos, these details are significant. (For Catholics: GIFT with the married couple’s own gametes has the same status as embryonic adoption and intrauterine insemination by sperm obtained through intercourse and is neither approved nor prohibited by the church.)

“Back ten years ago, there were roughly the same number of couples reporting unexplained infertility as there were abortions in the country,” Pence says. “Which means essentially there’s no unwanted child.” He and Karen were nearly adoptive parents themselves. They had signed up for adoption and were matched with an expectant mother when Karen learned that she was expecting. Knowing that the family next in line was clinically infertile, they decided to step aside “and trusted God that Karen would go to term with Michael, who’s now 32.”

Pence’s commitment to life goes beyond opposition to abortion. He advocates adoption reform, funding for women in crisis pregnancies (as Texas established but “got no credit for”), and the continued availability but increased regulation of fertility treatments. “I’m not a Europhile, but there are European countries that limit the number of embryos that can be created,” he says. “There are protections in place.” He thinks it is time for “a serious discussion in this country about medical ethics around the creation of unborn human life.”

“I think the destiny of our country is tied up in some way in restoring the sanctity of life to the center of American law,” Pence says. “If we continue to erode the notion that every life born and unborn is precious, then we risk tearing at the very fabric of the American experiment.” For years, Pence has described himself as “a Christian, a conservative, and a Republican, in that order.” He laments seeing “many in my party following the siren song of populism unmoored to conservative principle, away from American leadership in the world, away from fiscal responsibility, even away from the right to life.”

Neither his party nor this chapter of his career has gone in the direction he’d hoped. Still, he seems unperturbed. Recalling Jeremiah 29:11, the Bible verse that has hung over the mantel of his family home since Christmas 1999, he recites from memory: “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” To Mr. Pence, the most enduring victory is already won.

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