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AAF: “Acts of Evil in Nigeria Must be Held to Account”

January 16th, 2024

Advancing American Freedom led a coalition letter with over 20 cosigners to Secretary Blinken and the State Department calling on them to list Nigeria as a country of particular concern for severe violations of religious freedom after 200 Nigerian Christians were martyred.

“The fact that this slaughter happened over two weeks ago without action from the State Department is unconscionable,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Either the Biden administration takes the massacre of innocents seriously, or it does not. Christians in Nigeria are under continuous attack, and the latest slaughter demands a response from the United States, and when we do not respond, evil expands.”

Individuals, with titles and organizations for identification purposes only, signing on to the letter:

  • Paul Teller, Executive Director, Advancing American Freedom
  • Tony Perkins, Former Chair, USCIRF
  • Frank Wolf, Former Member of Congress
  • Sam Brownback, Ambassador, The Brownback Group
  • Kristen Waggoner, President and CEO, Alliance Defending Freedom/ ADF International
  • Brent Bozell, Founder and President, Media Research Center
  • Rick Santorum
  • Andrea Picciotti-Bayer, Director, Conscience Project
  • William Murray, President, Religious Freedom Coalition
  • Maureen Blum, Executive Director, Catholics Count
  • Kristen A. Ullman, President, Eagle Forum
  • Nina Shea, Director Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute
  • McKenna Wendt, Advocacy Manager, International Christian Concern
  • Tom McClusky, Director of Government Affairs, CatholicVote
  • Richard Perle, Former Assistant Secretary, Department of Defense
  • Arielle Del Turco, Director of the Center for Religious Liberty, Family Research Council
  • Dick Patten, President, American Business Defense Council
  • Sarah E. Makin, Former Senior Director, National Security Council
  • Brian Burch, President, CatholicVote
  • Larry Cirignano, Children First Foundation
  • Jane Adolphe, Executive Director, International Catholic Jurists Forum
  • J. Michael Waller, Senior Strategy Analyst, Center for Security Policy
  • Greg Twedd, Founding Pastor, Ignition633 Ministries
  • Evans Nnamdi Nwankwo, President & CEO, Megen Construction Company
  • The Honorable George K Rasley Jr, Managing Editor,
  • Ben Nwankwo, President, A.W.A Organization

Read the full letter here.

Religious, human rights groups urge Blinken to punish Nigeria over mass killings of Christians

January 16th, 2024

The Biden administration is facing pressure from numerous human rights and religious groups for failing to designate Nigeria as a Country of Particular Concern (“CPC”) for the brutal killing of over 200 Christians last month.

In a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, two dozen interest groups, led by Advancing American Freedom and including Alliance Defending Freedom, the Hudson Institute, former Ambassador Sam Brownback and former defense and national security officials, scolded the State Department for its “refusal” to designate Nigeria as a CPC – calling the lack of action “unconscionable.”

“Less than two weeks ago, almost 200 Nigerian Christians became martyrs while celebrating Christmas. According to one account, these Christians were ‘killed for sport.’ Just weeks earlier, the Christian Association of Nigeria received a letter threatening them against celebrating Christmas,” the letter sent Monday states.

“The international religious freedom community stands outraged at your refusal to hold these acts of evil to account,” it continues.

The letter notes that the International Society for Civil Liberties and Rule of Law (Intersociety), a Nigeria-based nonprofit, has found that more than 52,000 Christians have been killed and more than 14 million Christians have been forced to flee Nigeria since 2009.

Over that same period, Intersociety also found that 18,000 churches and 2,200 schools had been attacked, according to the letter.

On Jan. 4, Blinken announced that he’d designated a series of countries, including Iran and Russia, as a CPC, but Nigeria was notably left off the list.

The letter says that “within hours” of Blinken’s announcement, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) called for a congressional hearing, and international religious freedom advocates “publicly criticized” his decision.

USCIRF is a federal government commission created by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 and consists of commissioners who are appointed by the president and a bipartisan group of congressional leaders.

Nigeria, which is a hub for Boko Haram, was added to the list during the Trump administration but has been left off the list since 2021.

According to the Pew Research Center, Nigeria has the largest Christian population of any country in Africa, with over 80 million believers.

“The eyes of the world look to the United States as a beacon of hope and freedom. Religious freedom is grounded in the American founding, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, and quintessential to what it means to be an American,” the letter states.

“When the United States stands silent as evil runs amok, the world takes notice,” it concludes.


United States Must Pursue Free Trade with Free Nations

Pence-Founded Group Leads Call for Blinken to Re-Designate Houthis a Terrorist Organization

January 2nd, 2024

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) led a group of more than 40 prominent conservatives in calling on United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken to re-designate the Iran-backed Houthi militia as a terrorist organization. AAF was founded by former vice president Mike Pence and promotes what it describes as a “freedom agenda.”

The Trump administration designated the Houthis, which control the bulk of Northern Yemen, a terrorist organization in January 2021, but the Biden administration reversed that decision shortly after taking office. Since Hamas’s October 7 attack against Israel, the Houthis have launched missiles and drones in Israel’s direction and have targeted both American military vessels and commercial ships in the Red Sea.

AAF executive director Paul Teller said the erasure of the Houthis’ terrorist designation was a grave error.

“Removing the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations was one of the first mistakes of this administration,” Teller said. “As the Middle East grows more unstable after Hamas’s unprovoked attack in Israel, the Houthis have added to the chaos, and there is no diplomacy that will dissuade them. The United States must return to a posture of clear-headed realism and treat our enemies as they deserve to be treated.”

Over one hundred container ships have been rerouted around the Horn of Africa to avoid Houthi attacks, adding seven to 14 days of extra travel in exchange for steering clear of potential aggression in the Red Sea. On Monday, U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin announced the formation of a multinational coalition to protect shipping lanes in the region from Houthi violence, an initiative that has been named Operation Prosperity Guardian.

“Operation Prosperity Guardian is bringing together multiple countries to include the United Kingdom, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles, and Spain to jointly address security challenges in the southern Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, with the goal of ensuring freedom of navigation for all countries and bolstering regional security and prosperity,” Austin said, though it is unclear when the initiative will be launched.

Among the signatories to the letter are Republican Jewish Coalition CEO Matthew Brooks, former secretary of veterans Affairs and under secretary of defense Robert Wilkie, Hudson Institute scholar Kenneth Weinstein, and Center for Military Readiness president Elaine Donnelly.

“It is far past time to acknowledge that the strategy of delisting the Houthis as terrorists has failed to achieve the Pollyannish policy goals you hoped it would,” the letter reads. “Like Hamas, the Houthis are a death cult. No amount of earnest intentions will stop their campaign of terror.”


AAF on Ongoing Senate Negotiations: “President Biden Complicated a Simple Negotiation”

December 18th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement amidst the ongoing Senate negotiations on border security and aid to Ukraine and Israel.

“The Biden administration has been historically weak on border security, wavering in their support of Israel, on one hand saying they support Israel and the other calling on Israel to “lower the intensity” of their attacks on Hamas, and they have slow-walked aid to Ukraine since the outbreak of the war, so it’s small wonder that these negotiations are hitting a wall,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “President Biden and the Democrats have insisted on making a simple negotiation complicated. Securing the border and supporting our allies are not mutually exclusive; the United States can do both.”

Putting the family back in the driver’s seat

December 8th, 2023

This week, the United States House of Representatives voted to block a proposed environmental regulation from the Biden administration that could have huge unintended consequences for American families.

Under Biden, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is trying to implement a partial ban on gas-powered vehicles. The proposed rule would require that two-thirds of new vehicles sold in the United States have no tailpipe emissions by 2032. Even low-emission hybrid vehicles—long pushed by progressives as a responsible alternative to gas-guzzlers—would find themselves banned under the rule. And as many have warned, the odds are extremely unlikely that the United States will be able to build enough charging stations to service all of these all-electric vehicles before the next decade.

Much of the debate over the proposed rule is about the logistics and costs of transitioning to these vehicles versus anticipated benefits the transition will bring, such as less pollution and lower fuel costs. But none of the EPA’s 263 page justification for implementing this rule ever once considers its potential impact on families, despite the clear lessons to be learned from relevant research on car seat laws.

Car seat laws are supposed to be about child safety, plain and simple. But it turns out they function as unintentional “contraception.” While most families want to have more than two children, these laws make it less feasible. Families often have to choose between an expensive vehicle upgrade or having fewer children than they hoped, because many vehicles are not capable of fitting three car seats in the back row. According to researchers, car seat laws have resulted in somewhere around 150,000 fewer births since 1980. By contrast, we can charitably assume that these seat belt laws have saved as many as 5,000 lives in the same amount of time. That is: for every life that was saved, three hundred children were never born as a result of these laws.

The poet Robert Burns warned that “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.” Nothing could be more laudable than policies aimed at protecting children, and no one could ever convincingly argue that a child’s life is worth less than the car seats mandated by laws in every state in the country. Yet even these “best laid plans” that directly save scores of children’s lives every year have invisible costs that run much higher than a car seat. And no one seems to have thought about designing a safe car seat that would allow for three children in the back seat.

But if Biden’s electric vehicle mandate remains in place, it could quickly eclipse car seat laws in its negative effects on family life and birth rates. For example, there are serious differences between gas- and electric-powered vehicles. The average drive range of an electric vehicle is about half that of its gas-powered alternative. Less range means more stops, which mean more time waiting with impatient young children on your commute or road trip. And each of those stops will be longer. Rather than a couple minutes to refuel on gas, families will have to wait hours to recharge. Car trips and road stops are already hard enough on young families; this rule could make them agony.

If car seat laws can drive away hundreds of thousands of potential new lives, it’s not hard to imagine that electric vehicle mandates could have negative impacts on families as well, whether by discouraging couples from fruitful multiplication—being stuck in a car with screaming infants could surely do that!—or dissuading families from going on long road trips to visit and care for extended family and friends.

Because we know that the family is a cure for so much of the isolation and hyperindividualism that plagues our country, administrative rules that make it harder to form and sustain families demand far more scrutiny from policymakers. While the vote against the rule in the House this week succeeded, it now moves over to the Senate, where, all too often, bills go to die.

But this critical effort need not die. While anything touching environmental policy typically gets locked into tired left-right political struggles, there is a small sliver of hope that this issue could be different. Despite benighted voting on other critical moral matters, some Democrats have been reexamining broader cultural issues that bear closely on the family’s wellbeing, Senator Chris Murphy foremost among them. And the Brookings Institution’s Richard Reeves has spurred renewed interest on the left in considering how boys are being left behind, and other critical family matters that used to be treated as nothing more than ‘conservative talking points.’

However, no matter the truth of our talking points, conservatives won’t succeed in rolling back harmful policies like the EPA mandate until we learn once again to think and speak with moral clarity. All the abstract statistics about GDP and greenhouse gases could only ever matter insofar as they hint at the kind of world we hope to pass on to our children and grandchildren. Surely, they deserve better.


AAF Executive Director on House Resolution Condemning the of Rise of Antisemitism

December 6th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom Executive Director Paul Teller issued the following statement after 92 Democrats abstained from voting to condemn the rise of global antisemitism.

“Yesterday’s vote in the House was a shameful display from Democrats as they continue to show unwillingness to hold the antisemites in their party accountable,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Condemning antisemitism isn’t complicated, nor is condemning a terrorist organization for the murder, maiming, and capture of innocent civilians, but the Far-Left refuses to call out evil for evil, and yesterday’s resolution showed that the Democrats are still willing to be the comfortable home for antisemites and anti-Israel activists.”

See Paul Teller’s op-ed on growing antisemitism on the Left here, from back in September.

AAF in the Arena: Stop Pushing Illegal Abortions and Irreversible Surgeries on Confused Children

AAF Founder on the Biden Administration’s Attempt to Axe Pregnancy Center’s Funds

December 5th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom filed a comment on the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) attempt to remove Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) funding from being used at Pregnancy Centers.

“Since the overturning of Roe v. Wade the Biden administration has gone out of its way to circumvent state laws banning abortion and has slow walked investigations on the attacks of pregnancy centers and pro-life groups across the country. Their attempt to pull TANF funding from these valuable centers is another example of this administration’s targeting the pro-life movement,” said AAF Founder Vice President Mike Pence. “We must continue to be a society that protect and values life, and that means continuing to uphold pregnancy centers across the country. Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand for life, for the lives of the babies and for care of the mothers.”

Read the comment here.

Hamas is just one part of the threat to Israel and the West

December 5th, 2023

In the wake of Hamas ’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel, most people, especially those on the Right, quickly recognized that Israel ’s battle to destroy Hamas was and is completely justified. Unfortunately, fewer seem to grasp that the destruction of Hamas, while necessary, is not sufficient for Israel’s security.

The fact is Hamas is just one part of a much larger threat that Israel has faced for years. Israel has had to also ward off attacks from the Palestine Liberation Army operating in Judea and Samaria, and other Palestinian terrorist groups such as Islamic Jihad, which recently announced it executed an innocent Israeli woman who had been held hostage for more than a month.

Israel must also contend with Iran and its terrorist proxy on Israel’s northern border, Hezbollah, which has repeatedly attacked Israel with missiles, drones, and artillery in recent weeks, and the Houthi rebels in Yemen firing long-range missiles at Israel and seizing civilian cargo ships in the Red Sea.

Perhaps most disturbingly, Israel is also threatened by the Palestinians who cheer on Hamas and support the total annihilation of the Jewish state. Hamas rules Gaza because it was freely chosen by Palestinians in democratic elections in 2006. One would hope that those same Palestinians would experience buyer’s remorse after the unthinkable slaughter of Oct. 7, when Hamas violated a ceasefire, launched a sneak attack, murdered 1,400 innocent Israeli children, women, and men, injured thousands, and kidnapped hundreds. But there are Palestinians who continue to support the terrorist organization even after it committed the worst act of terrorism since 9/11.

In fact, more than 75% of Palestinians have a favorable view of Hamas after the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, according to a survey by Arab World for Research and Development. And nearly all Palestinians, a shocking 98%, said the slaughter made them feel “prouder of their identity as Palestinians.”

Once we accept that the problem Israel and its allies face is not limited to Hamas, a number of conclusions immediately become clear for the United States.

First and foremost, we should expect Israel’s defensive war to be longer, costlier, and deadlier than other flare-ups in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in decades past, and America must be prepared to support its friend and ally until its victory. Israel is surrounded on all sides by terrorist organizations and nations that wish the Jewish nation didn’t exist, and maintaining Israel’s sovereignty has a bloody price tag.

Second, we must secure our own borders. It is not a coincidence that the same groups calling for Israel’s destruction also call for the U.S.’s. As FBI Director Christopher Wray recently stated, “We cannot discount the possibility that Hamas or another foreign terrorist organization may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil,” adding that the FBI has “multiple ongoing investigations into individuals affiliated with that foreign terrorist organization.” America must maintain its own security as it seeks to uphold Israel’s.

Third, the U.S. should not provide a single penny of funding to any Palestinian organization. It should be obvious by now that even humanitarian funding will be diverted to feed Hamas’s bloodthirsty war machine. Funds intended to save innocent lives will instead be used to take innocent lives.

Finally, it’s time for the foreign policy blob in Washington to wake up from the pipe dream of a two-state solution. It was never going to work. In fact, a two-state solution is not only unrealistic, but it would be undesirable for anyone who wants a stable and peaceful Middle East. If the last six weeks have made anything clear, it is that it was a mistake to trust Hamas with the limited amount of sovereignty it had prior to Oct. 7.

Now more than ever, we must recognize what is at stake for Israel and the Jewish people and remain committed to standing by our ally as it defends its right to exist. And that means approaching this conflict with a clear-eyed, realistic view that too many seem to lack.

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