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March 22, 2023

AAF Steps Up Fight for Parents’ Rights

Advancing American Freedom, joined by 20 additional conservative organizations, filed an amicus brief in parental rights case Foote v. Ludlow in Massachusetts. The case follows the same argument as the brief Advancing American Freedom (AAF) filed in the Linn Mar Community School District case in Iowa.

“Families are the foundation of our society, and woke school policies that seek to disrupt the family unit and hide life-altering choices about the child from the parents need to be resisted,” said J Marc Wheat, General Counsel for AAF. “Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand beside parents and their children to push back against the Far-Left Agenda.”


AAF filed the amicus brief for the Linn Mar school district and launched a parents’ rights campaign in February.

In March, AAF filed its second amicus brief in Massachusetts.

Advancing American Freedom and Heritage’s Oversight Project File Joint Lawsuit Against Department of Justice

Advancing American Freedom and The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project filed a joint lawsuit against the Department of Justice for their failure to produce documents related to the recent attacks and violence against pro-life centers after the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

“It is clear that President Biden’s politicized Department of Justice is fearful of igniting the wrath of the Far Left and abortion extremists,” J. Marc Wheat, general counsel for AAF. “The American people have a right to know why those who burned and vandalized pregnancy centers have not been held accountable for their violence against traditional conservatives and pro-life groups.”


Advancing American Freedom filed a Freedom of Information Act request to the Department of Justice demanding DOJ records about attacks against pro-life organizations and whether the DOJ was ignoring them.