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June – 2024

Jun 13 President Biden and his officials sought to impose their left-wing values on the rest of the world at the recent G7 conference in Italy. When Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni objected to language in an official G7 document that would have promoted “access to safe and legal abortion and post abortion care” on June 13, Biden fought for such explicit language in favor of worldwide abortion legality. This behavior only alienates nations around the world who value life from fostering better relationships with America and drives them into the hands of adversaries like Russia and China.

Jun 18 In the midst of an intense border crisis, the Biden administration showed that their priorities on the issue are out of order. On June 18, the Biden administration announced new plans to protect some 500,000 illegal immigrants who are married to US citizens from deportation. While American communities struggle to cope with the strain of illegal immigration on America’s job market and services, the Biden administration sits idly by.

Jun 18 As the United States struggles to fulfill its many defense requirements across the globe, Biden’s Department of Defense is spending hundreds of millions of dollars on renewable energy. The Biden administration is diverting crucial money away from America’s defense-industrial base. This agenda-driven allocation of taxpayer dollars ends up in the coffers of nations who have a corner on the necessary materials for renewable energy, notably China.

Jun 24 In a time when America is facing high housing costs as a result of Bidenflation, the administration’s proposed solution does not address the problem at its source. On June 24, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced a $100 million fund to finance affordable housing. This demand-oriented spending approach will only worsen inflation and exacerbate America’s housing woes, which are putting a strain on countless Americans and their families.

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