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December – 2024

Dec 12 President Biden announced clemency for over 1,500 Americans, including some particularly egregious criminal offenders. The recipients include Michael Conahan, a local judge in Luzerne County, PA who took cash bribes in exchange for harsh sentences against juveniles to send them to for-profit prisons. One young man who was sent to prison as a result of this bribe later took his own life. Other commutations include thieves, drug dealers, and people convicted of fraud. Giving special favors to a judge who represents the embodiment of judicial corruption is a galling abuse of power.

Dec 20 The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau sued Zelle and three banks that own it (Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, and Wells Fargo) for supposedly refusing to stop fraud on its platform. However, less fraud occurs on Zelle than any of its competitor apps, the government acknowledges that Zelle has several fraud prevention features built into the app, and accordingly, platforms should not be responsible for scammers’ actions.

Dec 23 President Biden commuted the sentences of 37 of the 40 federal offenders on death row. One individual who received a commutation was serving time for breaking and entering his ex-wife’s home, raping her, and then killing her; in prison, this same individual beat a corrections officer to death with a hammer. Another person whose death sentence was commuted raped and killed a 19-year old woman, tied her to a concrete block, and dumped her into a lake where she drowned. The young woman’s 11-month old baby was also killed, and the murderer allegedly confessed in prison that he “killed the baby because there was nowhere else to put it.” The Biden-Harris administration prioritizes leniency for killers while promoting the destruction of unborn lives in the womb at all costs.

Dec 26 The Biden-Harris EPA’s new regulations on water heaters would limit the ability for non-condensing heaters to reach the market, which are more affordable for many American consumers than other options. The EPA admits that most water heaters on the market already meet these efficiency standards but has mandated these standards in an effort to reduce global emissions. However, in the grand scheme of things, this regulation will have a negligible impact on carbon emissions.

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