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January 2021

January 20

President Biden rejoined the World Health Organization, despite its demonstrated gross incompetence with respect to COVID-19, as well as its breathless defense of the Communist government of China.

January 20

President Biden revoked a variety of regulatory-reform Trump executive orders, including E.O. 13891, which had improved transparency and ensured the proper use of agency guidance documents. This Biden order makes the regulatory process easier for bureaucrats and harder for everyday American citizens.

January 20

President Biden signed an executive order that mandated mask-wearing for all on-site federal employees and contractors, as well as any person that enters federal buildings or federal land.

January 20

President Biden signed a proclamation revoking the ban on travel into the United States from several terrorist-controlled nations (including Iran, Somalia, Syria, and others), thereby putting American national security further at risk.

January 20

President Biden suspended the Trump-era order to ban, replace, and set new criteria on bulk-power system (BPS) electric equipment coming from a foreign country or national that poses a national security threat. The Trump rule had primarily been implemented to stop the Chinese Communist Party from having influence over the American power grid.

January 20

As one of his first acts in office, President Biden expanded federal antidiscrimination law to include sexual orientation and gender identity. Through its language, the president’s executive order effectively wiped out many protections for women and girls in federal civil rights law.

January 20

An executive order was signed by President Biden which revoked the ban on teaching or living by “critical race theory” and other race-based and sex-based stereotyping in federal agencies. This order cements the Biden-Harris administration’s support for educational programs that teach white students that they are inherently racist and need mental reform.

January 20

President Biden signed an executive order that ended Administrative PAYGO. Administrative PAYGO was reinvigorated by the Trump-Pence Administration in order to increase government accountability for administrative actions. The system required departments and agencies to propose offsets to the costs of discretionary administrative actions, or actions not required by statute, that increase mandatory spending.

January 20

President Biden signed an executive order that eliminated expedited environmental reviews for certain high-priority infrastructure projects, halted energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and withdrew certain areas in the Bering Sea and other Arctic waters from energy development. The Biden action also revoked executive orders, guidance documents, and memoranda that had made it easier to obtain energy exploration and development permits and to proceed with construction and other projects.

January 20

On the first day of his presidency, Joe Biden rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, despite the environmental and job gains made without it.