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Mike McCrone

AAF on Approval of Alaska Drilling Project

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement on the Biden administration’s approval of the Alaska drilling project.

“While it is refreshing to see the Biden administration deviate from the playbook of climate radicalists, we should be clear: approval of the Willow Project should be the starting point to restore American energy independence,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “This decision does not reverse the damage done by President Biden’s cancellation of critical energy infrastructure projects or lack of investment in domestic energy production. Before taking its victory lap, the administration should first rollback the regulatory burden it has placed on the energy industry and signal its willingness to be a good faith partner in unleashing American energy on an ongoing basis.”

Advancing American Freedom released a legislative agenda with proposals to unleash American energy production and restore the United States’ standing as a global energy leader.

AAF Backs Bill to Hold Bureaucrat Spending Accountable

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement in support of the Taking Account of Bureaucrats’ Spending (TABS) Act, which would place the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) under the regular appropriations process, ensuring it is subject to government oversight.

“Government bureaucracies spend too much money with little oversight of how this money is being used,” said Paul Teller, Executive Director of AAF. “This bill would hold accountable the CFPB in its unchecked efforts to introduce regulations that cripple industries and economic growth. AAF applauds Congressman Barr for leadership on this issue and looks forward to working with Republicans in Congress to rein in the Biden administration’s rapidly expanding administrative state.”

AAF Calls on Congress to Reject Radical Climate Mandates

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement on the introduction of the Preserving Choice in Vehicles Act.

“Americans choose the kind of car they drive, not the government,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “This administration remains fixated on crippling crucial US industries, while eliminating consumer choice. The Woke Left cannot coerce or force the American people to stop driving gas-powered vehicles, which is exactly what the California government is trying to do. Advancing American Freedom calls on Congress to swiftly pass this legislation and reject the climate radicalism embraced by leaders in D.C. and California.”

The Preserving Choice in Vehicles Act is a top priority of Advancing American Freedom’s Future of Freedom legislative agenda on energy. Read more about our policy priorities for the 118th Congress here.

AAF Files Amicus Brief on Biden’s Executive Overstep Student Loan Cancellation Plan

Advancing American Freedom has filed an amicus brief with Americans for Prosperity in Biden vs Nebraska which was heard before the Supreme Court today. The brief asserts that President Biden massively overstepped his executive power in his blanket cancellation of student loan debt.

“The power of the purse belongs to Congress, and the Biden administration has again overreached the executive authority granted under the Constitution,” said J. Marc Wheat, General Counsel for Advancing American Freedom. “The separation of powers outlined in our founding document are clear and cannot be dismissed for the sake of political expediency.”

The cancellation of student loan debt would cost the taxpayer of $400 billion over the next 40 years, with inflation already at a 40-year high and the national debt currently surpassing $31 trillion.

AAF on the Passage of the Anti-ESG Resolution

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after both the House and Senate issued a bipartisan rebuke of Biden’s radical agenda by passing the Anti-ESG resolution.

“Congress, officials elected by the American people, have spoken clearly today, Americans deserve a say in where their savings are invested,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The American people don’t want their carefully earned savings going to President Biden’s agenda, and Congress listened. The Biden administration should listen as well.”

Advancing American Freedom has been leading conservatives pushing for the resolution with a coalition letter to Congress signed by over 100 conservative leaders and organizations, and also ran ad campaigns in Arizona and Montana calling for support of the resolution. Senator Tester of Montana voted yes on the resolution.

Arizona Campaign
Montana Campaign
Future of Freedom
Coalition Letter

AAF FOIAs Biden DOJ’s Catholic Targeting

Advancing American Freedom today issued a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for records of DOJ’s communications with non-DOJ personnel about “Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology” that comprised the basis for a leaked FBI memorandum relating to the surveillance and infiltration of Catholic groups in America.

“This leaked document targeting traditional Catholics is disturbing to all people of faith,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel. “The first amendment guarantees free exercise of religion, without surveillance or fear of being labeled as extremists by the federal government.”

Advancing American Freedom has also submitted a FOIA request to DOJ regarding records about the violent attacks against pro-life organizations after the overturning of Roe v. Wade, and a FOIA request seeking external communications about DOJ’s inexplicable subpoena served on Eagle Forum of Alabama; neither request has yet to receive an answer.

AAF Fights Biden Administration ESG Assault on American Workers

Advancing American Freedom today announced a six-figure ad campaign in Arizona and Montana calling for support on the resolution introduced by Senator Mike Braun and Representative Andy Barr. The resolution would rollback the Biden administration’s ability to regulate how Americans’ retirement accounts are managed with respect to environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) investing goals.

Advancing American Freedom also recently led a coalition letter, co-signed with over 100 conservative leaders and officials, calling on members to support the resolution.

In April of 2022, Vice President Pence delivered remarks at Rice University, calling out those who sought to weaponize the U.S. financial system to “destroy energy producers from within.”

Vice President Pence has since written two nationally-syndicated pieces in RealClearMarkets and the Wall Street Journal calling for conservatives to take up the mantle against the Radical Left’s ESG agenda.

Pence-Founded Group Launches Major Parents’ Rights Campaign in Iowa

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) today announced a grassroots campaign to combat the Radical Left’s indoctrination of children in Iowa and to empower Iowa parents to make decisions that are best for their children.

“The strength of our nation is tied to the strength of our families, and we cannot stand idly by as the Radical Left attempts to indoctrinate our children behind parents’ backs,” said Advancing American Freedom founder Vice President Mike Pence. “Advancing American Freedom will not rest until parental rights are restored in Iowa and across the nation.”

AAF’s grassroots campaign will consist of educating Iowans on the ongoing efforts by the radical left to strip parents of their rights to guide and protect their children, to indoctrinate children, and to advance their divisive woke agenda. Additionally, AAF will advocate for policies that restore parental rights and protect Iowa’s children through digital ads, rallies and events, and volunteer advocacy efforts.

AAF’s efforts follow a November 2022 amicus brief, filed with 20 other pro-family organizations supporting parental rights in Parents Defending Education v. Linn-Mar Community School District. Parents Defending Education v. Linn-Mar Community School District contends that the Linn-Mar School Board adopted a policy designed to effectuate students’ “gender transition,” keep the Linn-Mar Community School District’s actions secret from the students’ parents, and punish other students who do not use a student’s preferred pronouns when speaking or who voice certain opinions concerning transgender issues. The oral arguments for Parents Defending Education v. Linn-Mar Community School District are set to take place at the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals in St. Paul, Minnesota, on February 15, 2023.

AAF Files Amicus Brief to Challenge FDA’s Authorization of Chemical Abortion Drugs

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) has filed a friend of the court brief in support of health care providers’ suit against the FDA for approving chemical abortion drugs that endanger the health and safety of the women who use them, and request the Court permanently enjoin the FDA’s unlawful approval. The health care providers are represented by Alliance Defending Freedom.

“The FDA approved these drugs after ignoring potentially dangerous side effects to the women using them,” said J. Marc Wheat, General Counsel for Advancing American Freedom. “The FDA and the Biden Administration have been clear that they seek to expand access to chemical abortions with little regard to the safety of the women using these abortion inducing drugs.”

The amicus brief asserts that the FDA approved Mifepristone (the chemical abortion drug) without factoring in significant safety concerns at the time it was approved and the mixed results that were demonstrated in the drugs trials.

The brief goes further that chemical abortions pose a significant safety risk for women, which has been made worse by the intentionally narrow FDA reporting requirements limited to fatal adverse events.

To view the amicus brief, click here.