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AAF on Supreme Court Decision in Moyle

“Today, the Supreme Court failed to reverse the Biden Administration’s absurd pro-abortion interpretation of a Reagan-era law, instead allowing a lower court’s pause on Idaho’s pro-life law while the case makes its way through the courts,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “In 1986, a bipartisan coalition in Congress passed and President Ronald Reagan signed the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) which was designed to prevent emergency rooms from turning away patients who could not afford to pay and which includes express protections for the unborn. Nearly forty years later, after the Court’s decision overturning Roe v. Wade, the Biden Administration announced its novel interpretation that EMTALA ensured that abortion was among the stabilizing treatments EMTALA required emergency rooms to provide. As we explained in our amicus brief, this reinterpretation has nothing to do with the actual meaning of the statute and everything to do with the Biden Administration’s anti-life agenda. The Court’s decision puts both unborn children and hospitals around the country at risk. In this instance, as justice Alito notes in his dissent in this case, ‘[a]pparently, the Court has simply lost the will to decide the easy but emotional and highly politicized question that the case presents.’ AAF will continue to fight for life in this and future cases to ensure that no child’s chance at the blessings of liberty is snuffed out by abortion.”

You can read the amicus brief here.

AAF Statement on SEC v. Jarkesy

“In a very important decision today, the Court took another step towards reviving the separation of powers established by the Constitution, ruling that defendants against charges of fraud are entitled a jury trial before an Article III court,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “Today, the Court decided SEC v. Jarkesy, clawing back significant power from the administrative state’s in-house ‘administrative law judges’ (ALJs) requiring instead, as the Constitution requires, that civil actions alleging fraud be brought in front of independent Article III courts. As we argued in our amicus brief in this case, the ALJ system is one of the many ways the administrative state flies in the face of the constitutional separation of powers and thus in the liberty of the people that system was designed to protect. There is much work to be done but today’s decision brings us one step closer to reining in the administrative state.”

You can read the full brief here.

AAF Statement on Murthy v. Missouri

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the Supreme Court reached a decision in Murthy v. Missouri.

“Today, the Supreme Court failed to hold the Biden Administration accountable for its censorship of Americans through social media companies, finding that the plaintiffs in Murthy v. Missouri lacked standing,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “In our amicus brief, we argued that the government cannot indirectly censor speech that it dislikes any more than it can do so directly, yet that is exactly what it did here. The Court’s failure to ensure that Americans’ First Amendment speech and associational rights are protected ensures that they will be violated in the future. The standing doctrine is an important limitation on the Court, ensuring that it cannot insert itself into every issue it thinks is important. Nonetheless, the Court should not use standing to avoid its fundamental duty: protecting the rights of the people.”

You can read the full statement here.

Iowa v. SEC

Read the full statement here.

Advancing American Freedom’s statement on Iowa v. SEC

Advancing American Freedom led an amicus brief with 39 other amici in Iowa v. SEC, which consolidates eight cases from around the country challenging the SEC’s new rule requiring corporations to make significant and costly disclosures not only about their own environmental impact but also about the environmental impact of certain companies with whom they do business.

“The Securities and Exchange Commission exists to support a healthy and competitive securities market which is an essential element the American economy. The commission is not empowered by Congress to engage in environmental regulation,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “This climate disclosure rule prioritizes the environmentalist agenda of a few powerful corporations and union pension funds at the expense of everyday Americans, and in the process, tramples on the constitutional rule of law that was designed to ensure the liberty of the people. For these and many other reasons, this rule must be struck down.”

You can read the full amicus brief here.

Advancing American Freedom Announces $10 Million Nationwide Campaign Championing the Trump-Pence Tax Cuts

Advancing American Freedom today announced a $10 million nationwide grassroots education campaign to defend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and advocate for pro-growth conservative fiscal policy. The campaign will include direct engagement with Capitol Hill through seminars, policy memos, and media alongside targeted grassroots activation focused on the ongoing tax and spending debate. The campaign will begin this summer and extend into 2025.

“Advancing American Freedom is launching a campaign to defend the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the largest tax cuts and tax reform in American history that let the American people keep more of their hard-earned money and returned jobs to America. The past few years of the Biden administration have shown us that you cannot spend your way out of inflation, and you will not be able to tax your way out of a spending problem,” said AAF Founder Vice President Pence. “Washington has a spending problem, not a revenue problem. Our national debt is out of control, and taxing the American people more is not the solution.”

See Advancing American Freedom’s new tax report here.

AAF Leads Coalition Letter Opposing Female Draft

Protecting American Taxpayers: The Conservative Blueprint to Preserve Tax Relief and Prevent the Biden Tax Increases

Advancing American Freedom Expands Organization to Mobilize Conservative Movement

Advancing American Freedom today announced that Tim Chapman, previously senior advisor, will become president of the organization, as the group moves to expand its operations. In addition, AAF has announced the promotion of Paul Teller, who has served as the group’s executive director since its founding, to Executive Vice President, enlarging his current policy, messaging, and coalitions work and overseeing a soon-to-be-announced portfolio that will ensure AAF builds the increased capacity to be a national leader in the conservative movement. Chapman has held multiple high profile leadership positions in the conservative movement over the last two and a half decades. Teller is widely seen as one of the nation’s most skilled conservative operators with an unmatched focus on building and maintaining conservative coalitions.

These changes come at a time of upheaval in the conservative movement, where Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand for the time-honored principles that have created a winning movement for the last 40 years. Earlier this year, AAF announced a goal of 20 million dollars for its overall 2024 budget and is currently on track to meet or exceed that goal. These personnel advancements reflect a commitment by the AAF board of directors, its founder Mike Pence, and our many supporters across the nation to build a permanent beachhead for conservative principles in Washington, DC.

“Tim Chapman is a principled conservative leader with decades of experience in the conservative movement and Advancing American Freedom is privileged to have him joining our leadership team,” said Vice President Mike Pence. “We’re in a time for choosing in the conservative movement, and I can think of no one more qualified to navigate this time and hold the banner of principled conservatism high than Tim Chapman. I am also grateful for the work of Paul Teller over the past three years and am thrilled to have him continue to serve as a critical part of the leadership team in this next phase of Advancing American Freedom.”

“Tim Chapman and I have been close personal friends for almost 20 years, so it’s a tremendous honor to get to bring him into this new role at Advancing American Freedom,” said Paul Teller. “Tim’s understanding of, and tireless work in, the conservative movement is one of the best in the business and has led to numerous policy victories across his many years. I’m eager to work closely with him and dive in on my expanded mission.”

“Advancing American Freedom has become the anchor for conservative principles amidst the winds on the right that have strayed from those conservative principles,” said Tim Chapman. “Our nation faces unparalleled challenges as the unhinged progressive left continues to take over our institutions and remake our way of life. It is critically important that conservatives meet this challenge with integrity, principle, and a clear-eyed determination to fight. Mike Pence exemplifies this attitude, and I am
honored to take on this leadership role on his team. Doing this important work each day alongside my longtime friend Paul Teller will make the tasks ahead even more meaningful and successful.”

AAF on SCOTUS Mifepristone Ruling

Advancing American Freedom released the below statement after SCOTUS failed to reverse the FDA’s approval of mifepristone, the chemical abortion drug.

“In February, Advancing American Freedom, along with more than 30 fellow amici, filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court arguing that since the FDA’s approval of the abortion drug mifepristone, the government has prioritized a political agenda over science and safety. Today, the Supreme Court failed to reverse the FDA’s unlawful approval in 2000 of mifepristone,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “Finding that the physicians’ challenges to FDA had not suffered actual or imminent injury, the Court avoided an essential question: the political agenda-driven rather than science-supported review of the FDA’s initial approval and the Biden Administration’s inexplicable dropping of the safety measures required for the drug’s use. The road to the overturn of Roe v. Wade was long and marked by setbacks. The long struggle to protect women and the unborn against chemical abortion must go on in the same manner. AAF will continue to pursue legal advocacy that protects women and the unborn.”

You can read AAF’s initial amicus brief for the case here.