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Advancing American Freedom Leads Amicus Brief Restoring Constitutional Power of the Executive Branch

Advancing American Freedom led an amicus brief with 36 other amici in Consumers’ Research v. Consumer Product Safety Commission urging the Supreme Court to take up the case and rule in favor of Consumers’ Research, restoring the President’s constitutionally established authority over the Executive Branch.

“With its recent decision overturning Chevron, the Court rightly reasserted the constitutional authority of its own branch. In this case, it has the opportunity to do the same for the Executive Branch,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat.

“Over the last century, the powers vested by the Constitution in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government have been slowly and purposely leeched by the Progressive movement into the ‘fourth branch’ administrative state,” Wheat said.  “This case will help reverse that process and restore the Constitution’s three co-equal and distinct branches in order to safeguard liberty.”

As is the case for several agencies within the administrative state, the Consumer Product Safety Commission is headed by a multimember board, the members of which are protected from presidential removal except in narrow circumstances. As a result, the Commission, which is ostensibly a part of the Executive Branch, operates beyond the control of the person vested by the Constitution with the executive power: the President.

Wheat concluded, “We urge the Supreme Court to take up this case and take another important step in the direction of restoring the balance of powers established by the Constitution.”

Read the full brief here.

AAF Pro-Life Coalition Letter

AAF: RNC Pro-Life Letter

AAF: Calling Balls and Strikes on the RNC Platform

Vice President Pence on RNC Platform : “A Profound Disappointment to Pro-Life Republicans”

“The RNC platform is a profound disappointment to the millions of pro-life Republicans that have always looked to the Republican Party to stand for life.

Now is not the time to surrender any ground in the fight for the right to life. The 2024 platform removed historic pro-life principles that have long been the foundation of the platform. I urge delegates attending next week’s Republican Convention to restore language to our party’s platform recognizing the sanctity of human life and affirming that the unborn child has a fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed.

The updated platform also cedes this fight to the states, leaving the unborn in California and Illinois to the far-left’s extremist abortion policies. The right to life is not only a state issue; it is a moral issue, and our party must continue to speak with moral clarity and compassion about advancing the cause of life at the federal, state and local level.

The Supreme Court did not return the question of abortion to the states only but to the elected representatives of the people. Every life, born and unborn, is precious and deserving of their rights endowed by their Creator. The 14th amendment, though rightly cited, will not protect the unborn across the country without further federal action.

Democrats certainly do not view life as a ‘states only’ issue, and they will try to adopt federal policies in line with Democrat-run states if we back away.

Unfortunately, this platform is part of a broader retreat in our party, trying to remain vague for political expedience. But history shows that those who stand without apology for life and make their case to the American people are rewarded at the ballot box. But beyond the politics of the issue is the immorality of ending an unborn human life. We must never lose the moral clarity to say that abortion is wrong. The GOP platform may be retreating, but we in the pro-life movement never will. We will continue to be a people of life, and we will not rest or relent until the sanctity of life is restored to the center of American law in every state in our land.

My fellow Republicans, Stand firm for Life. Restore the RNC platform’s historic commitment to the sanctity of human life. Pro-Life Americans and generations  born and unborn deserve nothing less.”

– Mike Pence

Parents Protecting Our Children v. EAU Claire Area School District

Read the full statement here.

Advancing American Freedom Files Amicus Brief on Gender Transition Case

Advancing American Freedom led an amicus brief with 66 other amici in Parents Protecting Our Children, UA v. Eau Claire School District, Wisconsin, urging the Supreme Court to take up this case and rule that parents suffer harm when school districts hide from them the so-called social gender transition of their children.

“The effort to drive a wedge between children and parents on the issue of gender, and thus to undermine parental authority at the expense of parental rights, is concerted and nationwide,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “So far, the courts have failed to adequately protect the interests of parents who believe, as did virtually all people just a few years ago, that children cannot change their gender. The Supreme Court has so far largely ignored this most important of issues. America’s families cannot afford for it to do so any longer. We call on the Court to take this case and rule that the parents have standing to protect their children from the outset, not just after the harm to their children has already been done.”

Read the full amicus brief here.

AAF Pro-Life Letter To Delegates

Vice President Pence on SCOTUS Overturning of Chevron Deference

Vice President Pence released the following statement after the Supreme Court overturned the Chevron decision which checks the power of the Executive Branch as designated by the Constitution.

“Today’s decision by the Supreme Court Overturning Chevron Deference is a great day for the Constitution and the American people. Since Chevron was decided in 1984, the heavy hand of big government has been encroaching on Congressional powers, and that power has rightly been put in check today. No longer will the Constitution’s safeguards be whittled away as our courts are forced to defer to unelected bureaucrats. The Constitution is the greatest charter of freedom in human history, that has been proven by the test of time. Today’s ruling is a monumental moment for preserving freedom, prosperity and Constitutional Limited Government for future generations of Americans”.

Advancing American Freedom on Supreme Court Overturning Chevron Deference

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the Supreme Court overturned Chevron, checking the power of the administrative state.

“Today, the Supreme Court rightly overturned the four-decade old Chevron Doctrine, reasserting the fundamental role of the federal judiciary to ‘say what the law is’ rather than deferring to the often expansive and ridiculous interpretations of self-interested, unelected bureaucrats in the administrative state,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “With 17 amicus briefs on the issue in appellate courts and the Supreme Court, seeing Chevron overturned has been one of our chief goals because of the damage it does to our constitutional system. The Constitution created three branches of government and balanced the powers among them because the Founders understood that the unification of the powers of government was one of the central threats to liberty. Chevron has allowed the courts to turn a blind eye to unelected bureaucrats of the administrative state contriving regulations that have the force of legislation, can enforce those regulations against Americans like the executive, and can do so before their own kangaroo court administrative law judges rather than before the courts established through the Constitution and the constitutional process. Chevron made matters worse because it required courts to defer to the administrative state’s interpretation of law, removing yet another check on the administrative state. The Court’s decision today was an essential repair of Constitutional order. AAF will continue to engage in legal advocacy that returns power to the constitutional branches of government that were established nearly a quarter of a millennium ago to protect freedom against government overreach.”