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Advancing American Freedom Takes Stand for Securing the Border

July 31, 2023

Advancing American Freedom today revealed its latest Future of Freedom legislative agenda—this one focused on securing the border, protecting American citizens, and holding the Biden-Harris administration accountable for their failures to enforce the law on the border. This week, AAF staff will visit the southern border, alongside staff from the Texas Public Policy Foundation, to learn firsthand about the human suffering caused by the open border.

“The tragic failures of the Biden-Harris administration to keep our border secure, stop human trafficking, and protect our citizens from the narcotics and gang violence pouring across the border are well known to the American people,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Congress needs to hold President Biden, Secretary Mayorkas, and the Department of Homeland Security accountable for their dangerous failings at the border, while also passing legislation that gives our border agents the resources and restored powers they need to do their jobs and enforce the law. Advancing American Freedom believes that a country without a secure border and the rule of law isn’t a country at all and will continue to call for decisive action from Congress and the administration to keep our country safe.”


This is the fifth Future of Freedom legislative agenda Advancing American Freedom has released this year. The other Future of Freedom Agendas focus on combating woke capital, unleashing American energy, defending life and religious liberty, and countering the threat of China.

AAF Praises SCOTUS Order to Allow Work to Resume on Mountain Valley Pipeline

July 27, 2023

AAF released the following statement after a SCOTUS order removed an obstacle to completing the long-delayed Mountain Valley Pipeline.

“Advancing American Freedom is pleased at the Supreme Court’s order that now allows work to resume on Mountain Valley Pipeline, allowing the US to access more gas supplies,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration and bureaucrats have put up roadblocks to America achieving energy independence, crippling our industries. America has the resources and is capable of energy independence, and we look forward to work resuming on the pipeline.”

AAF Continues National Conservative Leadership

July 24, 2023

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) launched a new series of targeted ads, continuing its nationwide advocacy campaign to hold Democrats accountable for the radical agenda of the Biden administration. The six-figure ad buy will target an initial list of six congressional districts—KS-03, MI-07, VA-07, VA-10, OH-09, and NM-02—encouraging Americans to demand Congress take action on key issues:

  • Energy: Stopping President Biden’s Ban on Gas-Powered Vehicles
  • Safety & Security: Securing the Border and Restoring Safety in our Communities
  • Government Spending & Inflation: Cutting Funding for Biden’s Radical, Inflationary Policies
  • China: Preventing China from Purchasing U.S. Land

Click images to enlarge

“Americans are bearing the full impact of the radical policies of the Biden administration,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Advancing American Freedom will continue to lead the conservative response to this Administration’s failures and urge Congress to reject its disastrous agenda. Our campaign will continue through the fall, engaging with millions of Americans in support of the policies that will restore prosperity and security in our country. We look forward to working with our allies on Capitol Hill to advance our positive, pro-American agenda.”

Advancing American Freedom Leads Amicus Brief to Overturn Chevron Deference

July 24, 2023

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) today filed an amicus brief joined by 11 conservative organizations in Loper Bright v. Raimondo, the case before the Supreme Court that examines the overturning of Chevron deference. AAF had earlier filed an amicus brief requesting that the Supreme Court take up this case and the important Constitutional question it raises.

“It is high time for the Supreme Court to rein in the roving powers of the executive branch which has led to Federal bureaucrats usurping powers the Constitution grants only to Congress and the Judiciary,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel. “Chevron deference has given carte blanche to unelected bureaucrats and agencies, and the American people have felt the weight of it. We look forward to the Supreme Court’s decision in this historic case.”

AAF Applauds House Support for Israel

July 19, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement after the House passed a measure expressing congressional support for the State of Israel and rejecting all forms of antisemitism, after Congresswoman Jayapal referred to Israel as a “racist state.”

“For the past 60 years, the State of Israel has been our most cherished ally, and their commitment to democracy and partnership with us to counter regional threats has been invaluable,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The disturbing antisemitic rhetoric from the Far-Left should not be tolerated, and we applaud the House for taking swift action so Israel will always know they have the support and friendship of the United States.”

AAF on Blocking of Iowa Heartbeat Bill

July 17, 2023

AAF issued the following statement after the Iowa Heartbeat Bill, which Governor Kim Reynolds signed into law on Friday, was temporarily blocked by an Iowa judge.

“This is a disappointment for pro-lifers in Iowa who fought hard for the sanctity of life for the unborn, but we stay hopeful that this legislation will prevail through the courts,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller.

AAF Praises Inclusion of Pro-Life Amendment in NDAA

July 14, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Rep. Ronny Jackson’s amendment was included in the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The amendment would end the Biden-Harris administration’s unprecedented promotion of abortion in the Department of Defense.

“President Biden has continually used the Department of Defense to advance his woke ideological agenda,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Now is the time to stand firm for policies that enhance our armed forces and strengthen our national defense, while continuing to protect the lives of the unborn. We applaud the work of the House to keep our defense strong and keep Far Left policy out of the Department of Defense.”

AAF on Win for Life in Iowa

July 14, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement today after Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed the Iowa heartbeat bill into law.

“The enactment of the Heartbeat Bill is a win for the state of Iowa, for the pro-life movement, and most importantly, for the lives of the unborn,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The pro-life movement remains the great moral cause of our time, and AAF will continue to stand strong for the cause of life across our nation.”


Advancing American Freedom launched a grassroots advocacy campaign during the special session this week on HSB 255/SSB 1223 or the Heartbeat Bill. Executive Director, Paul Teller, also published an op-ed in the Des Moines Register calling for final passage of the bill.

AAF Endorses Pro-Life, Anti-Woke, & Anti-CCP Amendments in NDAA

July 13, 2023

The NDAA presents an opportunity for Republicans to enact legislation that will enhance our armed forces, strengthen our national defense, and promote peace at home and abroad. As the House continues its consideration of the FY24 re-authorization, Advancing American Freedom is calling on Members to support the following amendments that advance the policy priorities outlined in our Freedom Agenda and Future of Freedom legislative agendas.

Life and Values

  • Jackson #377: Prohibits the Secretary of Defense from paying for or reimbursing expenses relating to abortion services.
  • Norman #30: Prohibits provision of gender transition procedures, including surgery or medication, through the Exceptional Family Member Program.
  • Jackson #394: Prohibits any adverse actions against cadets or midshipmen based on their COVID-19 vaccination status. Further, states that an individual may not be denied admission at a service academy based on their COVID-19 vaccination status.
  • Banks #1006: Amends service reinstatement and protection provisions in the FY2024 NDAA for service members who refused Covid vaccination to also include members of the Coast Guard.
  • Roy #363: Prohibits funds authorized for DoDEA from being used to promote that idea that, 1) Any race is inherently superior or inferior to any other race, color, or national origin. 2) The US is a fundamentally racist country. 3) The Declaration of Independence or the US Constitution are racist documents, 4) An individual’s moral character or worth is determined by the individual’s race, color, or national origin. 5) An individual, by virtue of the individual’s race, is inherently racist or oppressive, whether consciously or unconsciously. 6) An individual, because of the individual’s race, bears responsibility for the actions committed by other members of the individual’s race, color, or national origin.

China and Foreign Policy

  • Gallagher #389: Prohibits the U.S. government and those that contract with the U.S. government from acquiring genetic sequencing equipment from Beijing Genomics Institute (BGI) and its subsidiaries.
  • McClain #515: Prohibits funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, as well as EcoHealth Alliance, any subsidiary of EcoHealth Alliance, any organization directly controlled by EcoHealth Alliance, or any organization or individual that is a subgrantee or subcontractor of EcoHealth Alliance.
  • Williams #582: Prohibits any form of support or direct involvement by federal agencies in research that is conducted by the Chinese government, the Chinese Communist Party, or any of their affiliated agents, instruments, or entities.
  • Good #693: Requires the Secretary of Defense to provide a report to Congress within one year of enactment on the extent to which Communist China has benefited from taxpayer funded research. This report would include a list of United States Government-funded entities, such as research institutions, laboratories, and institutions of higher education, which have hired Chinese nationals or allowed Chinese nationals to conduct research, including an estimate in the number of nationals hired or involved in research projects.
  • Gallagher #1029: Directs the Department of Defense Inspector General to determine the total amount of DOD dollars paid to EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, or any other labor organization affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party.
  • DesJarlais #79: Prohibits funds authorized in this bill from being used to further any nuclear agreement with Iran that has not received explicit Congressional approval.

Freedom Agenda
Future of Freedom: Countering China
Future of Freedom: Defending Life & Religious Liberty
Advancing American Freedom – Policy Advocacy

Please contact John Shelton ( with any questions.

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