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AAF on Inflation Rise

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after inflation picked up and gas prices increased over August.

“The Biden administration and the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ are responsible for the record high inflation rates the American people are experiencing,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration’s war on energy and out-of-control spending have stuck the American people with high prices in grocery stores and at the pump, and it needs to stop.”


Advancing American Freedom has been a proponent for American energy independence and released a Future of Freedom legislative agenda focused on unleashing American energy.

AAF also led a three-part $10 million ad campaign calling out the radical energy policies of Joe Biden.

Price Controls Will Create Medical Shortages

AAF on Biden’s Canceling Gas Leases in Alaska

September 7, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Biden’s Department of the Interior reversed seven 10-year leases on Alaska oil and gas.

“Yesterday’s axing of oil and gas leases in Alaska is one more bureaucratic overstep in the Biden administration’s continued war on American energy,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration continues to hurt U.S. energy production and everyday American lives by issuing draconian mandates and creating bureaucratic hoops for energy producers to jump through, all of which are hurting our nation’s energy security, which the U.S. desperately needs as foreign tensions increase and the economy struggles.”


AAF has been an outspoken advocate for achieving American energy independence and becoming the dominant world producer of energy.

In February, AAF released a legislative agenda that would combat the Biden administration’s woke climate agenda and launch a new era of American energy dominance.

AAF has also regularly called out the Biden administration’s radical climate agenda; from climate mandates on vehicles, Biden’s ‘green tax credits’, and gas stove bans.

AAF Opposes Proposed BOEM Rule

AAF on White House Drug Price Negotiations

August 30, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the White House announced the 10 drugs that are up for price negotiations under the so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’

The Inflation Reduction Act has been a disaster for the American people and the drug price negotiations will only make matters worse for our pocketbooks,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “It is no wonder that 80 percent of older Americans view the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) as a failure. Rather than promote competition to cut costs and innovation to save lives, the Biden administration is aiming a loaded gun at the companies that make the medicine that Americans depend on to manage serious health conditions and diseases. These ‘negotiations’ are nothing more than the threat of steep new taxes. Entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid are in need of serious reform but, sadly, these changes will only make things worse.”

Advancing American Freedom on One Year of Inflation Reduction Act

August 16, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement on the anniversary of the passage of the so-called “Inflation Reduction Act.”

“President Biden admitted that the Inflation Reduction Act had little to do with ending inflation and was an expensive investment in climate change, and one year later the American people are still suffering the consequences of it,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Inflation Reduction Act is just one of the many ways the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress continue to foist their radical climate agenda on the American people, hurting the fiscal and national security of our nation. Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand against the radical agenda of the Left and promote legislation that allows America to move towards energy independence.”


When the Inflation Reduction Act was first proposed Advancing American Freedom called on Congress to oppose it, referring to it as the “inflation and recession” act.

Advancing American Freedom also has rolled out multiple spending campaigns calling out the wasteful spending provisions in the IRA.

AAF on Fifth Circuit Decision on Mifepristone

August 16, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the Fifth Circuit’s decision to reinstitute restrictions that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had lifted in recent years.

“The FDA’s initial approval of mifepristone should remain under scrutiny; it should not have been approved,” said J. Marc Wheat, General Counsel for AAF. “We applaud that the Fifth Circuit has recognized that an abortion drug that has been recorded to have dangerous side effects should not have safety restrictions requiring physician care for its use stripped by FDA. The Fifth Circuit’s opinion cited a declaration that a woman nine weeks pregnant had been treated by hospital staff for a pulmonary embolism with anti-coagulants; yet Planned Parenthood of Indiana gave her mifepristone. Had she not been taken to a hospital afterward, the chemical abortion could have caused her to bleed out and die. Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand for the protection and safety of women and the unborn.”

AAF on House Judiciary Findings on FBI Anti-Catholic Memo

August 9, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the House Judiciary Committee released its findings on the FBI’s internal memo referring to extremism in “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology”.

“The leaked FBI memo targeting traditional Catholics was offensive enough, but that this document was widely circulated among FBI field offices is even more disturbing and conflicts with earlier statements made by the FBI,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel. “All Americans are guaranteed free exercise of religion and the right to peaceably assemble without being targeted by the FBI or being labeled as extremists, and Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand for that freedom for all Americans.”

Advancing American Freedom filed a FOIA request in February for DOJ’s records of contact with non-DOJ personnel about “Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology” that comprised the basis for a leaked FBI memorandum relating to the surveillance and infiltration of Catholic groups in America. The DOJ issued a response in June, giving a non-answer that FOIA requests must have more specific information.

AAF on Ohio Issue 1 Referendum

August 7, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement on the Ohio referendum to the Ohio Constitution that would allow for special interest groups like Planned Parenthood to circumvent the legislature and buy their way into the Constitution.

“Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have no place in writing amendments to the Ohio Constitution but are seeking to do so through the referendum this week,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Ohioans get to say what is in their Constitution, and special interest groups should not be allowed to work in amendments allowing for abortion-on-demand or anti-parent initiatives. Advancing American Freedom will continue to stand unapologetically for the right to life and for the rights of parents in Ohio and across the country. AAF urges Ohioans to vote yes on Issue 1.”

AAF Calls on Biden, Congress to Tackle Wasteful Spending

August 2, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Fitch Ratings cut the US credit rating to AA+ from AAA. This follows Democrats’ out-of-control spending in Congress and record-high inflation under the Biden administration.

“The United States is in the worst fiscal position in the history of our country, and the responsibility of this falls at the feet of the Biden administration,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “‘Bidenomics’ has been a disaster with 40-year high inflation, budget-breaking prices at the grocery store, and mounting economic pressure for American families. This decision from Fitch Ratings sends a clear signal: Congress must act now to eliminate wasteful government spending. The first target in this effort should be President Biden’s radical priorities in the so-called Inflation Reduction Act, which has crippled vital industries and placed an unfair burden on American families. We look forward to working with lawmakers to advance legislation that cuts government spending, lowers inflation, and reduces the impact of our debt on Americans.”


Advancing American Freedom is a leader in the fight for fiscal responsibility. From entitlement reform to attacking wasteful government spending, we are spearheading solutions to the growing debt. This year, AAF launched an ad campaign in key states to demand a return to fiscal sanity and call for Democrat representatives to be held accountable for their out-of-control spending in Congress. This campaign will continue throughout the appropriations process the fall, ensuring Congress takes action to address the ongoing financial crisis.