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AAF Files Amicus Brief in Fairfax County High School Admission Case

Advancing American Freedom today filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court on behalf of the American Hindu Coalition and 20 other amici arguing that the Fairfax County School Board’s policy changes for admission to the prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) discriminated against Asian Americans and violated the civil rights of Hindu Americans, as a majority of the Asian American students affected trace their roots to India.

“America has long been a country that rewards hard work and effort without regard to race or ethnicity, but the American education system has lost sight of this principle, allowing admission policies that unfairly discriminate against Asian American students WHO are otherwise qualified,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “The Supreme Court’s decision to do away with race-based admission must apply to schools across the country in the face of massive resistance, and we must continue to seek to build a nation that provides an abundance of opportunity where hard work is rewarded.”

The amicus brief is linked here.

AAF Sends DOJ FOIA Request to House Judiciary

Advancing American Freedom sent the following letter to the House Judiciary Committee ahead of the hearing, stating that DOJ had failed to produce a single document in response to AAF’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request.

“Any agency that cannot be transparent with the American people and erodes the trust of the public is an agency that invites more scrutiny from the legislative branch,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel.

You can read the letter here.

AAF on Price Controls in the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement ahead of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on the price setting scheme in the ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’

“The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ continues to be a disaster for the American people. Price controls endanger citizens who count on innovation in the healthcare industry to manage serious health conditions and diseases,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “AAF applauds the work of the House to bring attention to the critical issues in the burdensome ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’”


  • Rejecting Price Controls & Supporting Healthcare Freedom (Memo)
  • Opposing Restrictions on Gas-Powered Vehicles (Memo)
  • Fighting the EPA’s Electric Vehicle Mandate (Memo)
  • AAF Restore Fiscal Sanity Advocacy Campaign (Overview)
  • AAF Energy Advocacy Campaign (Overview)

AAF Opposes Credit Card Competition Act

AAF Opposes the Credit Card Competition Act

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement opposing the Credit Card Competition Act.

“The Credit Card Competition Act will negatively disrupt the payments network while imposing adverse impacts on consumers and community financial institutions all under the guise of ‘competition.’ Conservatives should not be supporting yet another Republican-led effort that empowers the Federal Reserve, further regulates private sector companies, and harms consumers,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “AAF calls on Congress to reject this amendment in the upcoming Senate minibus and instead focus on free market priorities that reduce the regulatory burden on the banking system, remove barriers to entry to promote competition, and eliminate the federal intervention of the Biden administration that only punishes American families and businesses.”

See more from AAF:

AAF on Trump’s Abortion Stance

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after President Trump stated that a six-week abortion ban was a “terrible thing and terrible mistake.”

“These comments from a leading candidate for the GOP nomination are extremely worrying. Creating a culture of life requires courage, vision, and leadership – not political triangulation,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “There is no more important cause than life. We already have one party in this country that has abandoned the cause. Lord help us if we have two.”

AAF on New California Trucking Regulations

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement following new regulations from California’s Air Resource Board (CARB), mandating the adoption of electric semi-trucks starting January 1, 2024.

“The American trucking industry is a critical link in our supply chain, ensuring consumers and businesses have access to goods and services that keep our economy moving. These regulations from CARB threaten the stability of our supply chains by forcing unreliable and costly electric trucks into the fleets of firms and independent truckers.

These regulations are originating in California, but Gavin Newsom’s disastrous policies have often served as the foundation of the D.C. Democrats’ legislative agenda. Conservatives must continue to fight against the Left’s climate radicalism, reject the forced shift to electric vehicles, and protect American families and businesses from draconian regulations.”

Advancing American Freedom will continue to lead the fight against the Left’s “green” agenda. Additional resources are below:

Stopping the War on Affordable Vehicles
AAF: Unleashing American Energy

AAF Applauds House Passage of Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement of support after the House passed the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act.

“The American people should never be told by their government which vehicle they are allowed to buy,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration has remained focused on crippling American industries and the lives of the American people and AAF applauds the work of the House to keep the government and the Far-Left’s climate policies out of the choices of everyday Americans.”

AAF on Oversight Hearing on ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement ahead of the House Oversight Committee’s Hearing on the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’.

“In what has become a theme for this administration, President Biden’s promises have again fallen short. After one year of implementation, his so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ has done nothing to reduce the burden on the American people and has only fueled increases in inflation and cost of living. The Biden administration must be held accountable for record-high energy costs, draconian climate mandates, and assaults on healthcare freedoms,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Oversight Committee is doing valuable work calling to attention Democrats’ disastrous legislation, and AAF will continue to fight back against their overreaching regulatory agenda.”

Read More:
On gas-powered vehicles
On the EPA EV Rule
On healthcare freedom
AAF Fiscal Sanity Campaign
AAF Energy Advocacy

AAF on ESG State Pension Fund Report

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the release of a new report on how state pension funds voted on pro-ESG shareholder resolutions in 2022.

“ESG investing has grown even more pervasive than what was previously known, and the conservative movement should push back on companies that risk pensioners retirement funds while enacting a radical Far-Left agenda,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Advancing American Freedom will continue to be a conservative voice that calls out these invasive ESG resolutions that continually threaten American retirees’ pensions.”


Advancing American Freedom released a Future of Freedom legislative agenda focused on combatting invasive ESG policies.