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AAF Opposes the Confirmation of Monica Bertagnolli

October 17th, 2023

The NIH was founded to support innovative medical research that saves lives. Tragically, Bernie Sanders has hijacked the nomination process to push the Biden administration to double down even harder on its innovation-killing price controls and harsh penalties on medical research companies. Monica Bertagnolli’s nomination is a Trojan horse for the progressive movement to further its anti-competitive and anti-innovation policy agenda that harms consumers’ access to quality healthcare and undermines critical research and development. The Senate HELP Committee should not advance this nomination and must take further steps to reverse the damaging impacts of Biden’s drug price control schemes.

AAF has written more about the danger of these policies being promoted by President Biden, Senator Sanders, and progressive Democrats here:

Price Controls Will Create Medical Shortages

Opposing Price Controls in the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

Conservative Leaders: ‘Not One American Taxpayer Dollar’ Should Go to Palestinian Entities

October 17th, 2023

More than 60 conservative leaders on Friday urged the complete defunding of U.S. foreign aid to Palestinians through Congress’ appropriations process.

In a joint letter to Congress, the leaders stated, “In light of the heinous war against Israel started by Hamas and supported by other Palestinian elements in the region, not one American taxpayer dollar should flow to or underwrite any Palestinian entity or person.”

Advancing American Freedom, a think tank founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, led the coalition letter. Conservative leaders such as former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese III; Family Research Council President Tony Perkins; retired U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin; Young America’s Foundation President Scott Walker; former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.; and Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., signed the letter.

This follows news of 30 Americans confirmed killed in Israel and 13 missing as of Sunday during the Hamas attack and subsequent violence.

“The language in the relevant appropriations legislation … must be clear, very specific, comprehensive, and not able to be circumvented by unscrupulous bureaucrats,” the leaders assert.

“The United States must stand with our ally, Israel, and end all funding of Palestinians,” said Advancing American Freedom Executive Director Paul Teller in a statement. “The United States will not fund terrorist organizations like Hamas that use whatever funding given to Palestinians to carry out terrorist operations and attacks like the one we just witnessed. Congress must demonstrate its unwavering support to Israel and cease funding the Palestinians.”

Advancing American Freedom is an organization that advocates for conservative values and policy proposals. The letter says the group is ready to assist Congress “in any way” with defunding legislation.


Leading Conservatives Call for Defunding of Palestinians

October 16th, 2023

Former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese and former Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., are among more than 60 conservatives calling for the defunding of Palestinians in the appropriations process.

Former Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, Rep. Mary Miller, R-Ill., former Rep. Sue Myrick, R-N.C., and former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer also signed an Oct. 13 letter to Congress.

“We the undersigned demand the immediate and complete defunding of the Palestinians via the appropriations process underway this fiscal year,” the letter read. “In light of the heinous war against Israel started by Hamas and supported by other Palestinian elements in the region, not one American taxpayer dollar should flow to or underwrite any Palestinian entity or person, whether government or non-government, whether direct or indirect, and whether military, political, or civilian.

“The language in the relevant appropriations legislation, including continuing resolutions, composite appropriations bills, and individual appropriations bills, must be clear, very specific, comprehensive, and not able to be circumvented by unscrupulous bureaucrats.”

Former Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie, and Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, also signed the letter.

Advancing American Freedom, founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, spearheaded the letter.

“The United States must stand with our ally, Israel, and end all funding of Palestinians,” AAF Executive Director Paul Teller said in a statement. “The horrific war, started by Hamas and cheered on by some Palestinians and Iranians, has led to the death of 1,300 Israelis and 22 Americans, and the whereabouts of hostages are still unknown.

“The United States will not fund terrorist organizations like Hamas, that use whatever funding given to Palestinians to carry out terrorist operations and attacks like the one we just witnessed. Congress must demonstrate its unwavering support to Israel and cease funding the Palestinians.”

AAF said it serves the conservative movement by “developing innovative policy solutions, strategies, coalitions, and messaging that builds upon those accomplishments, expands freedom for all Americans, and hampers anything that would threaten America’s standing as the greatest nation on the face of the Earth.”


AAF on US Drained Petroleum Reserves

October 13th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve hits historic lows in the midst of Israel’s war with Hamas in the Middle East.

“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created to be used in emergency scenarios, not for the Biden administration to tap into when they hit a bad news cycle on their record-breaking inflation,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration’s decision to drain the reserve has consequences we are seeing now. The job of our government is to protect US resources for times of uncertainty, but the Biden administration has put the United States in a critical position. We must harness America’s natural resources and replenish our oil reserve with domestic oil production. Now is the time to unleash American energy and make us not only independent, but a resource to other western nations, so no one needs to crawl to Iran, hat in hand.”


AAF Future of Freedom on Energy

AAF Energy Campaign

AAF on Supreme Court Taking Up Additional Chevron Deference Case

October 13, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement after the Supreme Court added a second case considering Chevron Deference, Relentless Inc. v. Department of Commerce, that would be considered by all the Supreme Court Justices after Justice Jackson recused herself from the near identical case, Loper Bright v. Raimondo.

“Chevron Deference continues to be used by bureaucrats and government agencies unchecked and it should be scrutinized by the Supreme Court,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “Our founders created a government with three separate branches of government, but Chevron Deference allows the executive branch to usurp powers not granted to it by the Constitution. We look forward to hearing the Supreme Court’s decision in this case.”

AAF Leads Letter Calling for Defunding of Palestinians

October 13th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after leading a coalition letter to Congress with 50 cosigners calling for the immediate and complete defunding of Palestinians through the appropriations process after the brutal war against Israel started by Hamas and supported by Palestinian elements in the region.

“The United States must stand with our ally, Israel, and end all funding of Palestinians,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The horrific war, started by Hamas and cheered on by some Palestinians and Iranians has led to the death of 1,300 Israelis and 22 Americans, and the whereabouts of hostages are still unknown. The United States will not fund terrorist organizations like Hamas, that use whatever funding given to Palestinians to carry out terrorist operations and attacks like the one we just witnessed. Congress must demonstrate its unwavering support to Israel and cease funding the Palestinians.”

The letter can be read here.

AAF on US Drained Petroleum Reserve

October 13th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve hits historic lows in the midst of Israel’s war with Hamas in the Middle East.

“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created to be used in emergency scenarios, not for the Biden administration to tap into when they hit a bad news cycle on their record-breaking inflation,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration’s decision to drain the reserve has consequences we are seeing now. The job of our government is to protect US resources for times of uncertainty, but the Biden administration has put the United States in a critical position. We must harness America’s natural resources and replenish our oil reserve with domestic oil production. Now is the time to unleash American energy and make us not only independent, but a resource to other western nations, so no one needs to crawl to Iran, hat in hand.”


AAF Future of Freedom on Energy

AAF Energy Campaign

AAF Calls for Congressional Response to Hamas War on Israel

October 11th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following plan in response to the horrific attacks on Israel: target Iranian assets around the world, provide full transparency on the special envoy to Iran, Robert Malley and his dealings with Iran, and end all US dollars to the Palestinians.

“The United States must continue to demonstrate our unwavering support to our ally, Israel, and that starts with cutting off all financial resources that could be used by hostile nations and terrorists for future attacks,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Iran must be sanctioned and its assets frozen, US funds to the Palestinians must cease, and the work of the House Oversight Committee must continue to look into the case of Robert Malley.

There is more work to be done to help our allies, but these first steps by Congress will help ensure that Hamas and Iran know they will not be able to use another cent from the United States for their future barbarism.”

Read the full plan here.

Advancing American Freedom Calls for Congressional Action to Support Israel

AAF Sends FOIA on US Envoy to Iran

October 11, 2023

Advancing American Freedom filed a FOIA with the State Department requesting information pertaining to the hiring of Robert Malley, regarding his talks with terrorist organization, Hamas and if this was considered in his appointment to special envoy to Iran by the Biden administration.

“After the brutal attacks by Hamas or allies and the American people deserve full accountability about Robert Malley’s conversations with Hamas and Iran,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “In 2008, President Obama’s campaign fired him after Malley’s talks with Hamas were discovered, and this summer was placed on unpaid leave in his current position as special envoy to Iran while he is under investigation of mishandling of classified material. The American people deserve transparency for any officials who represent the United States, and if they were negotiating with terrorist groups like Hamas. This FOIA request is needed to establish what and when the State Department hiring officials knew about in their hiring of Robert Malley.”

The FOIA request can be found here.