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AAF on Election of House Speaker Mike Johnson

October 25th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Representative Mike Johnson was elected as Speaker of the House.

“Representative Mike Johnson will be the most conservative speaker in modern history and exemplifies servant leadership that will serve the conservative movement well. He understands the importance of getting our fiscal house back in order, fighting for the right to life and combatting the eroding woke policies of the Far Left, and the value of American leadership around the world,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The American people trust conservatives on fiscal, cultural, and foreign policy issues, and our world today is a place that needs conservative leadership, and Advancing American Freedom looks forward to the work Speaker Johnson will accomplish in the House.”

AAF Submits FOIA Regarding Homeland Security Employee Nejwa Ali and her Former Employment with the Palestine Liberation Organization

October 24th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom submitted a FOIA request to the Department of Homeland Security for communications regarding her fitness to serve as a reviewer of alien applications for asylum status after posting content on social media praising Hamas. Nejwa Ali was previously employed as a spokeswoman for the Palestine Liberation Organization.

“After Nejwa Ali was placed on leave after sharing extremist posts supporting Hamas the Department of Homeland Security must give answers regarding Ali’s employment history,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel. “The American people deserve answers about what the Department of Homeland Security knew about this PLO operative before hiring her.”

You can read the FOIA request here.

Tucker Carlson is Wrong: Putin Practices Religious Persecution, Not Zelensky

October 24th, 2023

Tucker Carlson recently claimed that Zelensky has “banned the Christian faith in his country and arrested nuns and priests.” Though purporting to speak on behalf of religious liberty, in reality Carlson is playing fast and loose with the truth and endangering the lives of Ukrainian believers.

The Moscow-backed clergy being arrested in Ukraine are not neutral, but actively working for the Kremlin, some contributing directly to the deaths of hundreds of Ukrainian women and children. These arrests are not merely a whim of President Zelensky either: Eighty-five percent of Ukrainians polled favor the government taking action against these representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church who are causing mayhem in Ukraine—66 percent of Ukrainians want the Russian Orthodox Church banned completely in Ukraine.

Seventy percent of Ukrainians identify as Christians, primarily in one of two denominations of the Orthodox faith – the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU) and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP). The latter, as the name implies, answers to Patriarch Kirill, the church leader of the Russian Orthodox Church in Moscow.

The Russian Orthodox Church is not a church in the sense that most American Christians think about churches. It directly serves the Russian government’s purposes, including Russia’s imperialist ambitions. For one example, Russian tank manufacturer Uralvagonzavod recently released a promotional video of priests splashing holy water on Russian T-90 tanks coming off the assembly line headed for Ukraine.

This isn’t just a blip in the Russian Orthodox Church’s record. Whether under imperial, soviet, or federated Russia, the Russian Orthodox Church has worked hand in glove with the Russian state for centuries. In 2000, Russia’s official state church put out a document, The Basis of the Social Concept, which defended “the medieval conception of symphonia to describe the church’s ideal relationship with the Russian state in terms of ‘body’ (state) and ‘soul’ (church). The document argues that “it is in their linkage and harmony that the well-being of a state lies.”

It is no surprise, then, that Patriarch Kirill, who led the committee that wrote The Basis of the Social Concept, calls Putin’s presidency “a miracle from God.” Soviet archives show that both Kirill and his predecessor Patriarch Alexy were KGB agents during Soviet times.

In 2015, the UOC-Moscow Patriarchate was the second largest denomination in Ukraine, behind the homegrown Orthodox Church of Ukraine. 24 percent of Ukrainians identified as parishioners in the UOC-Moscow Patriarchate, versus 33 percent for the OCU.

After the 2014 invasion of Donbas, where Ukrainians saw reports of UOC-Moscow Patriarchate priests sheltering Russian officers in their monastery and blessing the leaders of the breakaway Luhansk Republic, membership in the Moscow-backed church dropped. In 2019, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople—who holds a unique, historic role within global Eastern Orthodoxy—dealt a further blow to public support for the Moscow Patriarchate when he formally recognized the Ukrainian church’s independence from Russia. As Matt Gobush has written, this pronouncement caused Putin to threaten possible bloodshed and purportedly order “a cyberattack on the patriarch’s palace.” An irate Russian Orthodox Church also broke its centuries-long fellowship with Constantinople over this.

As a result, a December 2021 survey, two months prior to the full-scale war, showed only 14 percent of Ukrainians with the UOC-Moscow Patriarchate. And as the Russian Orthodox Church continued to erode away its credibility with its barbaric military tactics, only 4 percent of Ukrainians identified with the Russia-backed church after the atrocities of the full-scale invasion.

For example: In Bucha, the Kyiv suburb where Russians executed 560 civilians ranging in age from 2 to 92 and raped girls as young as 14, a UOC-Moscow Patriarchate clergyman reportedly told invading Russian soldiers who there would be most likely to oppose them.

While Carlson would have you believe these agents of the Kremlin are being persecuted, the truth is that Russians target Christians in Ukraine, having murdered at least 26 religious leaders and tortured many more believers.

Viktor Cherniivaskyi, an evangelical Christian who works with Steven, was evacuating a refugee group from occupied Luhansk that included a pregnant woman and a newborn baby when pro-Russian forces took him captive. He was tortured with electricity and beaten with a baseball bat for 25 days until his wife miraculously found him and convinced a pro-Russian official to free him. Despite enduring these horrors, he has returned to the front as a part-time chaplain, alternating with his work as a software engineer.

Ukraine is not ‘cracking down on Christianity’. In fact, the opposite is true. Even with the backing of Putin’s government, only seven percent of Russians even bother to attend church regularly. Ukrainians, by contrast, are more than twice as likely to attend church, a number that has increased the longer Ukraine has been independent of Russia’s influence.

Tucker Carlson’s willingness to parrot Putin’s talking points is why he is a favorite on Kremlin propaganda TV shows. But make no mistake, what he is saying is perpetuating the persecution of both Orthodox and Protestant Christians in Ukraine.


Will the Conservative Impulse Save the Pro-Life Cause in Ohio?

October 24th, 2023

Early voting is already underway in Ohio, the nation’s next abortion battleground. On November 7, as polls close, votes will be tallied to determine whether or not Ohioans decided to enshrine “an individual right to … abortion” within their state constitution.

If voters check “yes” on Issue 1, Ohio will become the fourth state in the country (joining California, Michigan, and Vermont) to elevate abortion as a constitutionally protected form of “reproductive freedom.” Already in August, the pro-life cause in Ohio met one serious setback when an initiative to raise the threshold for constitutional amendments — an effort to stave off exactly the kind of constitutional amendment it now faces — failed dramatically with a double-digit spread. As Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America said then, “Attacks on state constitutions are now the national playbook of the extreme pro-abortion Left.”

The pro-life movement has been caught flat-footed ever since its stunning victory in 2022, when the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade. Since the historic Dobbs decision came down, the pro-life cause has lost every time that the issue has appeared directly on the ballot, including in conservative-leaning states like Kansas, Kentucky, Montana, and Ohio.

Political scientist Jon A. Shields suggested in a recent article in The Atlantic that these losses aren’t a backlash against the pro-life movement as much as a fear of “the sudden disruption of the status quo.” In other words, in an ironic twist, it is a fundamentally conservative impulse that has driven the latest string of pro-life setbacks.

If Shields is right, however, that same conservative impulse that has cost pro-lifers so many losses elsewhere might be what ends up winning the day for the pro-life movement in Ohio. While Ohio is not as conservative as Kansas, Kentucky, or Montana, there are still at least two important differences between this and other votes that could help Ohio turn the tide with a pro-life victory.

For starters, this is the first time we will be seeing a major pro-abortion ballot initiative in a Republican-leaning state. Previous conservative losses were all instances where the pro-life movement was on the offensive, seeking to pare back abortion with various initiatives. In those states — as in Ohio’s previous constitutional amendment initiative — the status quo bias worked against the pro-life cause, but this time in Ohio, the same bias should work for pro-lifers defending the status quo against progressive overreach. Studies have shown that this is especially true in decisions about complex policies, like Issue 1, which invokes concepts like “fertility treatment,” “miscarriage care,” and “fetal viability,” rather than a straightforward yes-no decision on abortion.

Secondly, Americans have already rejected the most extreme form of the status quo that persisted for decades under Roe v. Wade and could be revived once again if Issue 1 succeeds: partial-birth abortion. Even to describe it is to recognize how repulsive the practice is, comparable to the kinds of barbaric actions that shocked the world with Hamas’s attack on Israel. The procedure involves the abortionist partially delivering the unborn child until the “entire baby’s head is outside the body of the mother” and then puncturing “the back of the child’s skull” to remove “the baby’s brains,” before delivering the rest of the now-dead infant.

This grisly practice was first put on the map by “Dr.” Martin Haskell and perfected by him in Ohio’s abortion facilities. But Ohioans ultimately rejected Haskell’s procedure, becoming the first state to ban it in 1995. Haskell, who continues to work as an abortionist, has donated at least $100,000 so far to reinvigorate Ohio’s status as the nation’s abortion laboratory. As Amy Natoce of Protect Women Ohio has said, Haskell “knows it is an investment in his late-term abortion practice,” as Haskell is on the record as performing partial-birth abortions from 20 weeks on “even into the ninth month.”

While Issue 1 has some provisions that its proponents falsely point to as “moderate,” including one that would allow the state to restrict abortion after fetal viability, except when “the abortion is necessary to protect the pregnant woman’s life or health,” pro-life organizations have repeatedly and definitively demonstrated that the viability standard does nothing to stop abortionists like Haskell from carrying out partial-birth abortions, when virtually all abortions are performed before viability comes into play. Even after viability, the Supreme Court demonstrated in Doe v. Bolton that “health” exceptions can include anything from emotional health to “well-being” to serve as a loophole for abortion on demand at any point during a pregnancy (and in the case of partial-birth abortion, even after the baby is on the outside).

If Ohioans’ conservative impulses — to uphold the status quo and reject the most barbaric forms of abortion — can’t be counted on to stop Planned Parenthood and the abortion lobby in-state, the pro-life movement is in big trouble.

Paul Teller serves as executive director of Advancing American Freedom in Washington, D.C.

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The Biden administration should stop funding America’s enemies

October 19th, 2023

In the aftermath of Hamas ’s deadly terrorist attack on Israel, it should be clear to everyone that the United States needs to rethink security policy in the Middle East and beyond. Adversarial regimes in China, Iran, and Russia want to take advantage of American weakness. The consequences have been tragic.

A good place to start when reassessing American policies would be the billions of dollars currently flowing from the U.S. into the coffers of our adversaries. At present, the U.S. government is far too careless about where American money goes, and this undermines our strategic interests. Funds intended for humanitarian relief, for example, are in fact being used to support vicious attacks on Americans and our allies.

Take the Biden administration’s 2021 move to send $235 million in “humanitarian aid” to Palestinians. On the surface, the decision was motivated by good intentions. Helping Palestinian civilians is a noble goal. But the Biden administration’s decision to send this money betrayed their fundamental naivete about who actually rules in Gaza.

Hamas has a chokehold on civil society in Gaza. The Islamist group has ruled the population of 2 million with an iron fist since it seized power in 2007. From utilities such as water and electricity to sectors such as education and healthcare, Hamas is in complete control. It even runs the local judiciary according to restrictive Islamist legal codes. Gaza is effectively run as a terror state by one of the most bloodthirsty Islamist organizations on the planet, and the Biden administration must reckon with that fact.

The sensible thing to do is simply to cut off all U.S. funds going to Hamas-controlled Gaza. Earlier this week, Advancing American Freedom, a nonprofit organization founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, sent a letter alongside dozens of other conservative leaders calling on Congress to do just that. “In light of the heinous war against Israel started by Hamas and supported by other Palestinian elements in the region, not one American taxpayer dollar should flow to or underwrite any Palestinian entity or person,” the signers wrote. Until Hamas is utterly destroyed and Gaza free from their brutal tyranny, the United States cannot trust that money sent to Palestinian groups will not be used in the war against Israel.

Unfortunately, Hamas is not the only terrorist organization the Biden administration is inadvertently funding. They also have been funneling money to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. A year after a disastrous retreat from the country, the Biden administration announced it had set up a $3.5 billion fund “for the benefit of the Afghan people.” Again, helping the ordinary people of this war-torn region is a laudable goal. The fact of the matter is, though, that these funds will go toward supporting an enemy the United States fought for a decade. Terrorist groups such as the Taliban and Hamas are not potential diplomatic partners. They are brutal thugs who want to hurt Americans and our allies.

Even worse, the Biden administration could be funding the Iranian terror state. As part of a deal to release certain American prisoners, the Biden administration agreed to release $6 billion to Iran last month. The transfer has been put on hold in the aftermath of Hamas’s attacks, but President Biden should go further.

In the Senate, Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) has led an effort to permanently freeze the assets. Sens. Tom Cotton (R-AR) and Mitch McConnell (R-KY) have a similar bill for which they sought unanimous consent, but were blocked by Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT). There is absolutely no reason the United States should be funding terrorist regimes, especially those which may have been involved with planning the attacks in Israel.

The U.S. government is funding adversaries beyond the Middle East, too. Earlier this year, Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) and watchdog organization Open the Books identified more than $1.3 billion sent by federal agencies to Russian and Chinese entities in the last five years, including $2 million to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. As Vladimir Putin’s armies continue their bloody invasion of Ukraine and the Chinese People’s Liberation Army threatens to attack Taiwan, the last thing the United States should be doing is funneling cash into dictators’ hands.

The Biden administration’s foreign policy is failing. Their policies have largely been designed to appease and accommodate America’s adversaries. Biden naively believes if he gets the leaders of these hostile regimes to the negotiating table, he can reduce tensions and secure some kind of peace. But the anti-American zealots in the emerging Eurasian axis are not interested in a negotiated settlement. They want to roll back American influence as much as possible.

Instead of appeasing and funding our enemies, the Biden administration should focus on supporting our allies. Israel, Ukraine, and Taiwan all need America’s unwavering support. Providing our friends with arms and money will help them turn the tide against the forces of chaos and reestablish deterrence. Treating enemies like potential diplomatic partners or as recipients of foreign aid will only weaken America’s position in the world.

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AAF Files Amicus in Montgomery County School Case

October 18th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after filing an amicus brief in Mahmoud v. McKnight, in which parents request to be notified of, and be allowed to opt their elementary school-aged children out of, their schools’ use and discussion of books designed to push the left’s gender and sexuality agenda.

“It’s a modest request by parents. There is no demand for curriculum change, just parents who want to be told what schools are teaching their children,” said J. Marc Wheat General Counsel for AAF. “Parents get to have a say in what their children are learning and should have the freedom to opt out of the Far Left’s gender and sexual ideology curricula, being taught to young children.”

Read the brief here.

AAF Files Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case, SEC v. Jarkesy

October 18th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after filing an amicus brief in SEC v. Jarkesy in which the Supreme Court has an opportunity to check the outsized power of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

“Today, the SEC, like many other agencies within the administrative state, wields significant legislative, executive, and judicial power under the same roof,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel. “The Framers designed the Constitution to avoid just this sort of combined power because they knew it was a significant threat to individual liberty. Agencies should no longer be allowed to play legislator, investigator, prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. We look forward to the Supreme Court reining in the power of the SEC in this case.”

You can read the amicus brief here.

AAF on Jack Lew’s Nomination as Ambassador for Israel

October 17th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement on Jack Lew’s nomination to be the U.S. Ambassador to Israel.

“In Israel’s moment of crisis, the United States needs a nominee with a track record of standing with Israel and supporting our ally,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Instead, Jack Lew has a history of helping Iran evade sanctions and for defending the Obama administration’s decision not to veto a 2016 UN Security council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. The United States must be a united front against Hamas and Iran and send a clear message that there will be no softness or slack when dealing with these hostile powers.”

AAF on Biden Administration Easing Venezuela Sanctions

October 17th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement in response to the United States easing sanctions on Venezuelan oil.

“The Biden administration would rather beg for from any foreign nation or regime than allow for increased US production,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “President Biden drained the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to avoid bad publicity, and now has decided to ease sanctions on another regime that does not share the values of our nation. We must demonstrate American strength and leadership on the world stage by getting America back to being energy independent and unleash the full strength of American natural resources.”


In 2022, Advancing American Freedom committed $10 million to fighting for American energy and opposing Biden’s radical climate agenda. The main focus of that campaign was President Biden’s reliance on foreign adversaries for U.S. energy, and we are disappointed to see the President choose foreign energy over domestic production again today.

Read more on AAF’s Unleash American Energy campaign here:

AAF Energy Campaign

Future of Freedom: Energy

AAF Opposition to Electric Vehicle Transition