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Robert Mayfield v. United States Department of Labor

You can read the statement here.

AAF Files 12 Amicus Briefs Questioning Chevron Deference

January 25th, 2024

Advancing American Freedom, along with 16 other organizations, filed an amicus brief in Mayfield v. Department of Labor, again focusing on Chevron Deference and the overstep of the separation of powers.

“It is not the job of bureaucrats in DC to dictate the day-to-day operations of a local Dairy Queen, but that is what Chevron Deference has allowed. Chevron Deference has rightly come under intense scrutiny for the way it blurs the lines between the branches of government,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel. “A return to the Constitution and its competing branches will be a necessary step toward cultivating a political ecosystem conducive to the flourishing of liberty.”

You can read the full brief here.

AAF : “Biden Outsources Domestic and Foreign Policy Leadership to China”

January 25th, 2024

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Biden announced he will veto a resolution that would have blocked Chinese involvement in America’s electric vehicle charger supply chain. This comes on the heels of the Biden administration looking to Beijing to solve Biden’s latest Middle East crisis, stating that they would, “welcome a constructive role by China” when asked about the escalation in the Middle East.

“Rather than advancing American leadership on the world stage, President Biden is cowering in the corner waiting for China President Xi Jinping to bail him out of his latest self-created domestic and international crises ,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The American people do not want electric vehicles mandates, nor do they want their jobs or American leadership outsourced to China. The Biden administration continues to bow to Beijing, rather than stand up for Americans.”

Calling Balls and Strikes on the Wyden-Smith Tax Bill

WHO pandemic treaty ‘equity theater,’ Pence advocacy group says, urges US withdraw from ‘unsalvageable body’

January 23, 2024

The non-profit advocacy group founded by former Vice President Mike Pence published a letter Tuesday blasting the proposed World Health Organization (WHO) pandemic treaty, questioning the United States’ continued membership in the international body.

Pence’s non-profit, Advancing American Freedom (AAF), is urging the U.S. government to withdraw from the WHO, citing the “equity theater” of the guidelines and its implications for free speech contained in its “pandemic treaty.”

“The [WHO] proposal to consolidate power and erode the United States of America of its sovereignty through the WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty is untenable and raises serious and significant questions regarding America’s independence of action and ability to respond to global pandemics,” the letter from the AAF stated.

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus has called on countries to sign on to the health organization’s pandemic treaty so the world can prepare for “Disease X.”

Disease X is a “placeholder” virus that does not exist but could hypothetically emerge and threaten international health. It was added to the WHO’s short list of pathogens for research in 2017 that could cause a “serious international epidemic,” according to a 2022 WHO press release.

Ghebreyesus, speaking in front of an audience at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Wednesday, said that he hoped countries would reach a pandemic agreement by May to address this hypothetical “common enemy.”

The AAF points out that the treaty — ostensibly intended to save lives through international prioritization of the best medical practices — emphasizes race and “equity” before almost every other value in its “general principles and approaches.”

“The draft treaty, released on October 30, 2023, uses the word ‘equity’ at least 9 times and ‘equitable’ at least 20 times,” the AAF writes. “It presents ‘equity’ as its 3rd general principle, ahead of responsibility, transparency, accountability, and science and evidence – principles that are magnitudes more important than ‘equity’ during a global pandemic.”

The AAF also warned about articles in the treaty related to freedom of expression, with one article specifically calling on signing nations to “combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through effective international collaboration and cooperation.”

The proposed treaty would also give the WHO control of international supply chains in the event of another pandemic event, intended to allow more efficient manipulation of resources.

“The United States should withdraw from the World Health Organization, not further enmesh itself in an unsalvageable body that rejects American leadership in favor of the Chinese Communist Party’s quest for world domination,” the AAF letter said of the proposed treaty. “The Trump-Pence Administration was right to cut off American tax dollars to, and to formally withdraw from the WHO.”

The deadline for the proposed treaty is May 2024, when the World Health Assembly is slated to meet.

Read more here at

AAF : “World Health Organization Is a Mouthpiece of Chinese Communist Party”

January 23, 2024

Advancing American Freedom led a letter with 19 co-signers to HHS calling for the United States to disentangle itself from the corrupt World Health Organization and not agree to the proposed treaty, which would erode the sovereignty of the United States.

“The World Health Organization proved its inadequacies by blindly trusting the CCP during the height of COVID-19 and has permanently eroded the trust of the American people,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The World Health Organization’s treaty violates the constitutional rights of American citizens. The American people do not answer to, and do not abide by, the rules of the World Health Organization, which has proven itself to be a corrupt organization that is a mouthpiece of the Chinese Community Party.”

You can read the full letter here.

Defending Life

January 19th, 2024

Protecting the lives of the unborn is more than a political cause – it is the calling of our times. Defending life is defending the future of our nation, and our society will be judged by how we treat the most vulnerable, including mothers facing crisis pregnancies and unborn children.

Though Roe v Wade has rightly been sent to the ash heap of history where it belongs, the battle to protect life forges on more intensely than ever. The Biden administration has declared war on the pro-life movement, working to circumvent pro-life state laws through executive overreach and legalizing dangerous abortion drugs. Pro-life activists face a two-tier system of justice under the Biden administration, and pregnancy centers have endured vandalism and violence with nary a peep from the Department of Justice.

But in spite of the relentless attacks the pro-life movement has faced, some prominent Republicans have started to waver on the cause of life, even on the heels of our greatest victory.

Some say the Supreme Court returned the abortion issue only to the states, and nothing can be done at the federal level. Others say state restrictions are too harsh and blame the pro-life movement for a poor performance at the ballot box in 2022.

But conservatives must never shrink from the great moral cause of our time. We did not arrive at this moment in the story of America by being timid. We got here through perseverance, passion, hard work and faith. Now, as we move forward, we must have the courage of our convictions. And we must remember that the battle for life is far from over – we have not reached the beginning of the end, but only the end of the beginning.

In this rapidly changing post-Roe America, our job remains the same: to do all we can to end the culture of death, to restore a culture of life, and to return the sanctity of life to the center of American law. I believe that if we save the babies, we will save our country.

The pro-life cause is, first and foremost, a moral cause, but it must also be a national cause. The Supreme Court has stated that lawmakers and not unelected judges must set abortion policy. That means our task is nothing less than to win the fight for life in Congress and in every statehouse in America until the scourge of abortion is eliminated from our society once and for all.

It may take another 50 years to accomplish this, but just as the pro-life movement worked for 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade, we must continue to work to make abortion totally unthinkable.

Read more here at

AAF: Congress Owes the American People a Sober Conversation

January 18th, 2024

AAF Executive Director Paul Teller issued the following statement following House and Senate passage of the latest CR.

“Congress continues shirking its responsibility to financially steward the United States, while maintaining Speaker Pelosi’s plussed-up COVID spending levels, funding the Biden Administration’s regulatory assault on the American way of life and the UN’s war on Israel, and yes – leaving the border wide open.

Washington owes the American people a sober conversation about America’s financial future.

Decline is a choice and unfortunately one that Congress continues to choose.

Advancing American Freedom looks forward to working with this Congress to chart a new course of fiscal responsibility that tackles the challenges of today, ensures a prosperous future, and fulfills the promises of the past.”

AAF: Defending Life is Defending the Future of our Nation

January 18th, 2024

Ahead of the March for Life in Washington, Advancing American Freedom released its annual Future of Freedom on Life with renewed focus on defending pro-life pregnancy centers and repealing the unconstitutional FACE Act, which the Biden Administration has weaponized to intimidate and legally harass peaceful pro-life sidewalk counselors.

“Roe v. Wade was sent to the ash-heap of history where it belongs, but the fight for life forges on,” said AAF Founder VP Mike Pence. “The Biden administration will stop at nothing to advance abortion on demand but we will not grow weary in defending the pro-life movement. This battle remains the calling of our time, defending life is defending the future of our nation. Our movement, based on compassion for the mother and her unborn child, will keep working every day to ensure Life keeps winning in America.”

Read the Future of Freedom on Life here.

AAF on PROVE IT Act: “Republicans Should Know Better”

January 18th, 2024

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the PROVE IT Act advanced through the Senate committee with a handful of GOP support.

“The PROVE IT Act is nothing more than a backdoor attempt to impose a carbon tax on the American people, while expanding the powers of the administrative state,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “It’s proven that taxes on imported goods will be paid for by the American people. This type of legislation is commonplace for Democrats, but Republicans should know better than to support a carbon tax.”