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AAF Takes Stand Against Absurd Pronoun Mandate

Advancing American Freedom continues its fight to tether Washington bureaucrats to reality, filing comments challenging a new proposed rule from Department of Health and Human Services that is an omnibus of absurdity.  The rule helpfully provides a list of the pronouns that might need to be recorded including ze/zir/zir/zirs/zirself, co/co/cos/cos/coself and, reflecting the ups and downs of life, yo/yo/yos/yos/yoself.

“The federal bureaucrats at HHS should stop playing ideological yo-yo and focus on improving healthcare worthy of a free people that provides for greater evidence-based treatment, access, and safety,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “If the regulators who drafted this proposed rule want to live in a fantasy world, they can leave HHS and find like-minded individuals in some online world. But so long as they make rules that will affect healthcare for all Americans, they must focus on real people in the real world.”

Read the full comment here.

Rapides Parish v. Department of Education

Read the full statement here.

AAF Continues its Fight for Reality Against the Federal Government’s Repeated Efforts to Subvert It

Advancing American Freedom continues its fight against the Biden-Harris Administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX, leading a coalition of 41 other amici in an amicus brief in Rapides Parish v. Department of Education. Following the disappointing reasoning of the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, the Department of Education issued a regulation reinterpreting Title IX’s protections against sex discrimination to fancifully include discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Several cases around the country, including Rapides Parish, are challenging this abandonment of reality. While the rule claims not to apply to sports, its logic basically destroys distinctions between men and women wherever Title IX applies. And the numbers don’t lie. Women and girls need sports and private spaces from which men are excluded. Finally, lurking in the background of the gender debate is the horrifying issue of puberty blockers for children.

“One of the fundamental questions for policy makers and judges is whether we will have laws that comport with reality or not,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “When law and policy try to govern the world as bureaucrats or politicians wish it were, rather than as it actually is, people are inevitably hurt in the process. AAF intends to stand for the truth for its own sake and for all those who will suffer if America fails to live in reality.”

Read the full brief here.

AAF: The Biden-Harris Union Strike Could Cripple the American Economy

AAF’s testimony in the Senate Finance Committee hearing on abortion

Read the full statement here.

Advancing American Freedom Fights for the Health and Safety of Women and the Unborn

Advancing American Freedom continued its fight for the health and safety of women and the unborn, filing testimony in a Senate Finance Committee hearing about abortion. This testimony describes the numerous ways the FDA ignored science and the law when it approved chemical abortion drugs more than two decades ago. It also describes the FDA’s repeated loosening of protections around the prescription of chemical abortion drugs, made all the more reckless by its removal of adverse event reporting for harms caused by abortion drugs short of death of the mother. It’s time for Congress to assert its authority and demand that the FDA stop prioritizing a radical abortion agenda over science and over the safety and health of women.

Read full testimony here.

United States v. Idaho

Read the full statement here.

AAF Leads Coalition Fighting for State Authority to Protect Women and the Unborn

Advancing American Freedom led a coalition of 63 other organizations and individuals fighting for the ability of States to protect life in the face of the Biden-Harris Administration’s effort to force doctors to perform abortions. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), passed by a bipartisan Congress and signed by President Reagan, was intended to ensure that a person’s inability to pay did not prevent him from receiving essential emergency medical treatment. It also explicitly requires doctors to consider the wellbeing of an unborn child when the emergency is labor. The Biden-Harris Administration decided that that decades-old law requires emergency room doctors to perform abortions.

“EMTALA was not and is not a Trojan Horse for legally required abortion,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “President Reagan did not sign a pro-abortion law and EMTALA has never been interpreted to require abortion until the Biden-Harris Administration. The Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health returned the authority to regulate abortion to the States. The Biden-Harris Administration’s interpretation of EMTALA is nothing more than a bald-faced effort to undermine the Court’s decision by fiat.”

Read the brief here.

AAF: The Truth About the Georgia Abortion Death

AAF: Yes – Late Term Abortions Happen