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AAF et amici Foote v Ludlow – Parental Rights 1st Circuit

AAF FOIA Communications Pertaining to “Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology”

Amicus Brief in Alliance For Hippocratic Medicine v FDA

Amicus Brief on Biden v. Nebraska Supreme Court Case

AAF Pelican AFL Loper Bright Enterprises et al v Gina Raimondo

AAF Statement on Short-Term Spending Bill

From AAF Executive Director Paul Teller:  “Kudos to Senate Republican Leader McConnell for saying that Congress needs to pass a short-term continuing resolution into January.  All freedom-loving Americans should tell their U.S. senators and representatives to stop the Pelosi-Schumer spending spree and to vote against all new spending bills until the new House Republican majority is sworn in — they must be given the opportunity to reduce federal spending and eliminate left-wing cultural priorities.”

AAF Amicus Brief in Parents Defending Education v. Linn-Mar Community School District

ICYMI: AAF, 17 Conservative Leaders, Call to Disband Radical Climate Committee

On Friday, Advancing American Freedom and 17 additional conservative advocacy organizations submitted a letter to Republican House Leadership, calling for the elimination of the House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis in the new Congress.

This is the latest in AAF’s ongoing efforts to dismantle the Biden administration’s radical climate agenda and regulatory regime in order to unleash American energy and relieve the burden on producers and consumers. In October, AAF Founder, Vice President Mike Pence, joined Larry Kudlow on Fox News, issuing the call to action for a new conservative House majority to end the Committee:

“It’s not a Select Committee on Climate Crisis, it’s a Select Committee in support of the War on American Energy”


Ending the Left’s war on the American energy industry should remain a top priority of Republican leadership in the new Congress. Advancing American Freedom will continue to advocate for a return to the successful policies of the Trump-Pence administration—when the United States was a global leader in energy production at home and abroad.

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AAF Calls on Congress to Reject Biden’s Push for Windfall Profits Tax

November 1, 2022

From Advancing American Freedom Executive Director Paul Teller:
President Biden’s proposed windfall profits tax on energy companies is the administration’s latest misguided attempt to combat surging gas prices and record-high inflation. Make no mistake, Americans are hurting, but not at the hands of the oil industry. Rising costs and fuel shortages are a direct result of the climate radicalism of the Biden administration and its allies on Capitol Hill. Families and businesses deserve relief, not progressive talking points. Advancing American Freedom will continue to call for conservative solutions to Biden’s energy crisis that alleviate the burden on American families and solidify the future of our energy economy.

Opposing a Windfall Profits Tax
• A windfall profits tax would discourage investment in the energy industry at a time when companies need increased capital to carry out essential operations in an unstable and unpredictable environment.
• As companies report higher profits, they are reinvesting those returns in order to maintain (and soon increase) supply.
• Reducing investments, thereby reducing the industry’s ability to generate supply, would ultimately make the United States more dependent on imports of foreign oil.

If the Biden administration wants companies to increase domestic supply, it should first start by reducing the regulatory burden it has imposed on the industry. These policies are outlined in AAF’s Freedom Agenda, and include:

• Expediting oil and gas land lease sales and permitting approval to unleash the full potential of American producers and distributors.
• Approving and expediting the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline and other pipelines critical to increasing the distribution of crude oil.
• Eliminating the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rules which threaten companies’ access to capital and financial institutions critical to investment, production, and growth.
• Withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, which handcuffs our domestic energy potential in favor of arbitrary climate goals.

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Please click the thumbnail above or HERE for the full clip.

“There’s one small thing I think [the future Republican majorities in the House and Senate] could do that would send the message that war on energy is over. That is, they could end the Select Committee on Climate Crisis that Nancy Pelosi actually created back in 2007. I was in Congress back then, Larry. I voted against it. But for some reason it survived even after we won back the majority from Pelosi. She’s continued it. It’s not a Select Committee on Climate Crisis; it’s a Select Committee in Support of the War on American Energy. And when this new Congress reorganizes, I’m calling on them…to shut down that Select Committee. It’ll send a deafening message that the War on American Energy is OVER, and we have pro-American energy majorities in the Congress once again.”

For the full interview with Larry Kudlow, please click HERE.