Advancing American Freedom Files Amicus Brief on Gender Transition Case

Advancing American Freedom led an amicus brief with 66 other amici in Parents Protecting Our Children, UA v. Eau Claire School District, Wisconsin, urging the Supreme Court to take up this case and rule that parents suffer harm when school districts hide from them the so-called social gender transition of their children.

“The effort to drive a wedge between children and parents on the issue of gender, and thus to undermine parental authority at the expense of parental rights, is concerted and nationwide,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “So far, the courts have failed to adequately protect the interests of parents who believe, as did virtually all people just a few years ago, that children cannot change their gender. The Supreme Court has so far largely ignored this most important of issues. America’s families cannot afford for it to do so any longer. We call on the Court to take this case and rule that the parents have standing to protect their children from the outset, not just after the harm to their children has already been done.”

Read the full amicus brief here.

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