Advancing American Freedom Continues Fight on Defending Title IX

Advancing American Freedom continues its fight against the Biden-Harris Administration’s reinterpretation of Title IX, leading a coalition of 48 other amici in an amicus brief in Kansas v. Department of Education. Following the disappointing Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, the Department of Education issued a regulation reinterpreting Title IX’s protections against sex discrimination to fancifully include discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation. Several cases around the country, including Kansas v. Department of Education, are challenging this abandonment of reality. While the rule claims not to apply to sports, its logic basically destroys distinctions between men and women wherever Title IX applies. And the numbers don’t lie. Women and girls need sports and private spaces from which men are excluded.

“Advancing American Freedom, joined by dozens of fellow amici, have now filed three amicus briefs supporting challenges to the Biden-Harris Administration’s unlawful and absurd reinterpretation of Title IX,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “If the courts rule for the Biden-Harris Administration in these cases, the relationship between women and their educational institutions around the country will fundamentally change for the worse. AAF intends to stand for the truth for its own sake and for all those who will suffer if America fails to live in reality.”

Read the full brief here.

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