AAF : “World Health Organization Is a Mouthpiece of Chinese Communist Party”

January 23, 2024

Advancing American Freedom led a letter with 19 co-signers to HHS calling for the United States to disentangle itself from the corrupt World Health Organization and not agree to the proposed treaty, which would erode the sovereignty of the United States.

“The World Health Organization proved its inadequacies by blindly trusting the CCP during the height of COVID-19 and has permanently eroded the trust of the American people,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The World Health Organization’s treaty violates the constitutional rights of American citizens. The American people do not answer to, and do not abide by, the rules of the World Health Organization, which has proven itself to be a corrupt organization that is a mouthpiece of the Chinese Community Party.”

You can read the full letter here.

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