AAF Takes Stand Against Absurd Pronoun Mandate

Advancing American Freedom continues its fight to tether Washington bureaucrats to reality, filing comments challenging a new proposed rule from Department of Health and Human Services that is an omnibus of absurdity.  The rule helpfully provides a list of the pronouns that might need to be recorded including ze/zir/zir/zirs/zirself, co/co/cos/cos/coself and, reflecting the ups and downs of life, yo/yo/yos/yos/yoself.

“The federal bureaucrats at HHS should stop playing ideological yo-yo and focus on improving healthcare worthy of a free people that provides for greater evidence-based treatment, access, and safety,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “If the regulators who drafted this proposed rule want to live in a fantasy world, they can leave HHS and find like-minded individuals in some online world. But so long as they make rules that will affect healthcare for all Americans, they must focus on real people in the real world.”

Read the full comment here.

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