AAF Statement on Murthy v. Missouri

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after the Supreme Court reached a decision in Murthy v. Missouri.

“Today, the Supreme Court failed to hold the Biden Administration accountable for its censorship of Americans through social media companies, finding that the plaintiffs in Murthy v. Missouri lacked standing,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “In our amicus brief, we argued that the government cannot indirectly censor speech that it dislikes any more than it can do so directly, yet that is exactly what it did here. The Court’s failure to ensure that Americans’ First Amendment speech and associational rights are protected ensures that they will be violated in the future. The standing doctrine is an important limitation on the Court, ensuring that it cannot insert itself into every issue it thinks is important. Nonetheless, the Court should not use standing to avoid its fundamental duty: protecting the rights of the people.”

You can read the full statement here.

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