AAF Files Amicus Fighting Conservative Censorship on Social Media

February 8th, 2024

Advancing American Freedom filed an amicus brief in Murthy v. Missouri, a case in which medical professionals, activists, and two states sued the Biden Administration for its inducement of social media companies to censor speakers on their platforms, violating the First Amendment of the Constitution.

“The Constitution protects the freedom of speech from government abridgment, but the Biden administration sought to circumvent the First Amendment by engaging private parties, namely social media companies, to act as its speech police,” said J. Marc Wheat, General Counsel for AAF. “In totalitarian nations, dissenting voices are not allowed. But America has been and must continue to be a country of robust debates, of peaceful protests, and of government responsive to the people. The Supreme Court must uphold the Constitution and defend the right of free speech.”

Read the brief here.

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