Advancing American Freedom today filed an amicus brief with the US Supreme Court on behalf of the American Hindu Coalition and 20 other amici arguing that the Fairfax County School Board’s policy changes for admission to the prestigious Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJ) discriminated against Asian Americans and violated the civil rights of Hindu Americans, as a majority of the Asian American students affected trace their roots to India.
“America has long been a country that rewards hard work and effort without regard to race or ethnicity, but the American education system has lost sight of this principle, allowing admission policies that unfairly discriminate against Asian American students WHO are otherwise qualified,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “The Supreme Court’s decision to do away with race-based admission must apply to schools across the country in the face of massive resistance, and we must continue to seek to build a nation that provides an abundance of opportunity where hard work is rewarded.”
The amicus brief is linked here.