AAF : “Biden Outsources Domestic and Foreign Policy Leadership to China”

January 25th, 2024

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Biden announced he will veto a resolution that would have blocked Chinese involvement in America’s electric vehicle charger supply chain. This comes on the heels of the Biden administration looking to Beijing to solve Biden’s latest Middle East crisis, stating that they would, “welcome a constructive role by China” when asked about the escalation in the Middle East.

“Rather than advancing American leadership on the world stage, President Biden is cowering in the corner waiting for China President Xi Jinping to bail him out of his latest self-created domestic and international crises ,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The American people do not want electric vehicles mandates, nor do they want their jobs or American leadership outsourced to China. The Biden administration continues to bow to Beijing, rather than stand up for Americans.”

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