AAF Fights for Authority of States to Protect Fundamental Rights of Children

Advancing American Freedom led a coalition of 27 other amici fighting for the right of children not to have their healthy bodies permanently and harmfully altered as “treatment” for gender dysphoria—a right Tennessee sought to protect by outlawing such interventions. In United States v. Skrmetti, now before the Supreme Court, the Federal Government is challenging Tennessee’s common- sense law, claiming that it violates the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. If adopted by the Court, that absurd interpretation, which would have been incomprehensible to those who drafted and ratified the Fourteenth Amendment, would further undermine America’s federalist system, turn the principles underlying the Equal Protection Clause on their head, and, most importantly, put children and families around the country at risk.

“The Constitution does not prevent states from protecting children from this sort of harm, nor would it have ever been ratified if it did,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “The Federal Government must stop trying to impose San Francisco values on the rest of the nation, especially when it comes to children.”

Read the full brief here.

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