AAF Supports GOP Effort to Roll Back SEC Overreach

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement of support for legislation from Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD), which would target a proposed rule from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) requiring companies to disclose information on their greenhouse gas emissions.

“Greenhouse gas emissions have nothing to do with gauging whether a company is profitable, and these disclosure mandates would only further inhibit a company’s success,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Senator Mike Rounds’ bill is common sense legislation that would rein in the SEC’s attempt to expand the presence of government in the day-to-day work of American businesses. This proposed rule does nothing but create additional barriers for companies to prosper while further crippling critical American industries and investments. Advancing American Freedom will continue to support Congress in its efforts to roll back these harmful proposals and encourages lawmakers to stand against the Biden administration’s radical climate agenda.”


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