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November 5, 2024

Reporting Requirements for Religious Exceptions to Contraception Rule

AAF is concerned that the Department of Labor could use the information collected here to target groups who file for religious exceptions to the contraception reporting rule. In recent years, the government has abused its authority to harass those who disagree with its pro-abortion agenda or have religious objections to contraception, especially abortifacient contraceptives. Regrettably, we have no reason to think that data collection here could not be abused. After examining the Biden-Harris Administration’s record on the subject of abortion, why should the American people trust it with a surveillance operation regarding contraceptives? This database could serve as a target list of opposed organizations that could be used to target HHS audits and OSHA investigation efforts. In the early 2010s, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)’s Exempt Organizations Unit, led by Lois Lerner, refused to process tax exemption requests from conservative nonprofit organizations. We remain concerned that similar ideological hatchet-jobs could occur here. Advancing American Freedom demands that the Department of Labor not move forward with renewing this so-called information collection program.