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November 8, 2023

AAF on Issue 1 in Ohio

November 8th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after Ohio passed a measure enshrining abortion in the state.

“This is a hard loss for all who stand for the pro-life cause, but it is still a greater tragedy for the lives that will be lost by this measure, which is why we must not back away from the cause of life,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “Now more than ever, conservatives must continue to fight for the right to life in Ohio and across our country. Part of the ongoing fight will be to convince more and more Americans to see through the jargon of pro-abortion groups and their confusing referendums; Democrats are advocating for late-term abortions until the moment of birth. Advancing American Freedom will not give up on the cause of life, and will continue to advocate compassion for the babies and the mothers.”

AAF Executive Director Paul Teller joins Jenny Beth Show

Listen to Paul Teller, Executive Director at Advancing American Freedom on The Jenny Beth Show.

Click here to watch the video.