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October 13, 2023

AAF on US Drained Petroleum Reserves

October 13th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve hits historic lows in the midst of Israel’s war with Hamas in the Middle East.

“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created to be used in emergency scenarios, not for the Biden administration to tap into when they hit a bad news cycle on their record-breaking inflation,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration’s decision to drain the reserve has consequences we are seeing now. The job of our government is to protect US resources for times of uncertainty, but the Biden administration has put the United States in a critical position. We must harness America’s natural resources and replenish our oil reserve with domestic oil production. Now is the time to unleash American energy and make us not only independent, but a resource to other western nations, so no one needs to crawl to Iran, hat in hand.”


AAF Future of Freedom on Energy

AAF Energy Campaign

AAF on Supreme Court Taking Up Additional Chevron Deference Case

October 13, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement after the Supreme Court added a second case considering Chevron Deference, Relentless Inc. v. Department of Commerce, that would be considered by all the Supreme Court Justices after Justice Jackson recused herself from the near identical case, Loper Bright v. Raimondo.

“Chevron Deference continues to be used by bureaucrats and government agencies unchecked and it should be scrutinized by the Supreme Court,” said AAF General Counsel J. Marc Wheat. “Our founders created a government with three separate branches of government, but Chevron Deference allows the executive branch to usurp powers not granted to it by the Constitution. We look forward to hearing the Supreme Court’s decision in this case.”

FOIA on US Envoy to Iran

AAF Leads Letter Calling for Defunding of Palestinians

October 13th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement after leading a coalition letter to Congress with 50 cosigners calling for the immediate and complete defunding of Palestinians through the appropriations process after the brutal war against Israel started by Hamas and supported by Palestinian elements in the region.

“The United States must stand with our ally, Israel, and end all funding of Palestinians,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The horrific war, started by Hamas and cheered on by some Palestinians and Iranians has led to the death of 1,300 Israelis and 22 Americans, and the whereabouts of hostages are still unknown. The United States will not fund terrorist organizations like Hamas, that use whatever funding given to Palestinians to carry out terrorist operations and attacks like the one we just witnessed. Congress must demonstrate its unwavering support to Israel and cease funding the Palestinians.”

The letter can be read here.

AAF on US Drained Petroleum Reserve

October 13th, 2023

Advancing American Freedom released the following statement as the Strategic Petroleum Reserve hits historic lows in the midst of Israel’s war with Hamas in the Middle East.

“The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was created to be used in emergency scenarios, not for the Biden administration to tap into when they hit a bad news cycle on their record-breaking inflation,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “The Biden administration’s decision to drain the reserve has consequences we are seeing now. The job of our government is to protect US resources for times of uncertainty, but the Biden administration has put the United States in a critical position. We must harness America’s natural resources and replenish our oil reserve with domestic oil production. Now is the time to unleash American energy and make us not only independent, but a resource to other western nations, so no one needs to crawl to Iran, hat in hand.”


AAF Future of Freedom on Energy

AAF Energy Campaign