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September 20, 2023

AAF Sends DOJ FOIA Request to House Judiciary

Advancing American Freedom sent the following letter to the House Judiciary Committee ahead of the hearing, stating that DOJ had failed to produce a single document in response to AAF’s Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request.

“Any agency that cannot be transparent with the American people and erodes the trust of the public is an agency that invites more scrutiny from the legislative branch,” said J. Marc Wheat, AAF General Counsel.

You can read the letter here.

AAF on Price Controls in the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’

Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement ahead of the House Energy and Commerce subcommittee hearing on the price setting scheme in the ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’

“The so-called ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ continues to be a disaster for the American people. Price controls endanger citizens who count on innovation in the healthcare industry to manage serious health conditions and diseases,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “AAF applauds the work of the House to bring attention to the critical issues in the burdensome ‘Inflation Reduction Act.’”


  • Rejecting Price Controls & Supporting Healthcare Freedom (Memo)
  • Opposing Restrictions on Gas-Powered Vehicles (Memo)
  • Fighting the EPA’s Electric Vehicle Mandate (Memo)
  • AAF Restore Fiscal Sanity Advocacy Campaign (Overview)
  • AAF Energy Advocacy Campaign (Overview)