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June 13, 2023

AAF: “Biden Administration is Bending to China Yet Again”

Today, Advancing American Freedom issued the following statement calling out the Biden administration for allowing a Chinese electric vehicle battery company to start construction in Michigan, despite protests from the local community.

“The Biden administration is bending to China yet again, this time on electric vehicle production in the United States,” said AAF Executive Director Paul Teller. “This administration is determined to cripple the U.S. energy industry with red-tape and overregulation in the name of a radical climate agenda. Now, President Biden is placing his climate priorities over our national security—allowing China to advance its own strategic interests in our backyard, all while taking away jobs and investments in American industry. The government’s job is to produce a strong national defense, and this administration continues to shirk that responsibility while the threats from our adversaries continue to grow.”


The Biden administration has demonstrated a continually weak stance on the growing threat of China. This week alone the administration finally acknowledged the Chinese Communist Party has been using a base in Cuba to spy on the U.S., shifting the blame that it was a problem they inherited. The administration also this week has allowed South Korea and Taiwan to expand their chip production in China, instead of working to keep advanced chips out of CCP hands.

Just last month, Advancing American Freedom released a Future of Freedom on Countering the Threat of China which included legislation that would lower costs of energy production, vitalize domestic energy production, and mandate disclosure of contracts held with the Chinese Communist Party.


AAF Releases Aggressive Agenda to Counter China Threat

AAF on Biden Administration’s Plan to Eliminate Gas Vehicles