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January 18, 2023

AAF Launches Roadmap to Restore Culture of Life in America

Advancing American Freedom (AAF) today released a legislative framework that protects the lives of the most vulnerable of our country, ends taxpayer funding of abortions, and looks to ease the bureaucratic burden surrounding foster care and adoption.  

“Americans are ‘endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights’ that include, first among them, life,” said Advancing American Freedom founder Vice President Mike Pence. “Our legislative framework provides the 118th Congress with a roadmap to protect life and restore respect for the sanctity of life, and Advancing American Freedom looks forward to working with Congress to restore a culture of life in America.”  

AAF’s frameworks calls on the 118th Congress to take up legislation that advances the policy priorities that will protect and honor the dignity and worth of all people, end taxpayer funding for abortion, and end the violence against pregnancy care centers that offer support to the mother and child.  

In addition to releasing the legislative framework AAF has also filed a FOIA request to Department of Justice for internal communications regarding the violent attacks against pro-life organizations in the wake of the overturning Roe v Wade, and is implementing a legal strategy to protect the cause of life against aggressive agency regulations. 

This effort is built upon Advancing American Freedom’s signature policy platform, the Freedom Agenda. Built in partnership with more than 50 conservative leaders, this document serves as a roadmap for conservative policy victories in Washington and across the country. At the start of this new Congress, Advancing American Freedom is introducing a series of legislative recommendations to inscribe the vision and values of the Freedom Agenda into law.

Read the full legislative framework here.

Read more on AAF’s legislative agenda.